As soon as his Headmaster had entered, Vlad took that as his cue to show off. As though being shot from a cannon, the young man somersaulted into the air and swung as though on an invisible trapeze. He'd been perfecting this move, admittedly... and now, he'd pulled it off perfectly.
Going into another midair flip, Vladimir Petrov made a graceful landing in the aisle, behind Sput- errr... Zitnik, and held his wand up high. From it there burst an emerald green and silver figure, almost like a patronus, but not. It was in the shape of a serpent.
The fact that he'd pulled everything off perfectly didn't seem to register to Vlad... he just looked straight ahead as he strolled, holding his serpent, almost parade float up high with magic.
And he continued scowling.
That's right, girls... swoon.
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