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Hello Emily. I hope school is going well for you. I know you have quite a lot on your plate, so I'll try not to ramble.
Hey, Connie

Yeah, school is...school. I'm just waiting for the summer again.

And I enjoy your rambling

It makes me happy sometimes
Why did he have to pick now to speak to her? And I wish Emily would have let him come and talk in front of Hermione.

I do not see anything but trouble coming.
Sometimes, I feel like you guys WANT trouble...

Nah, I'm kidding, he was just making an appearance. It was initially supposed to set up something for the future, but I changed the story line and didn't feel like changing that part. But the set up had less to do with Cody and more to do with Hermione and Emily's signals...
Tremendous chapter Emily! I can't wait till your next post.
Thanks, Connie!