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Old 08-31-2010, 12:21 AM   #454 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Westeros [EST]
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caffeine princess ♬ lunchbox adventurer ❀ little rose

Originally Posted by AlexandraRamos View Post
Ah, yes. Firsties. He really hoped he wasn't that annoying when he was at that age. And if he was, he was glad that nobody here was a witness to it. "Why were you around first years anyway? I usually just ignore them." cold, hard fact, but it's true. It might be rather rude, but he didn't want to talk to them.

Buuut, maybe he shouldn't have said that when he was right near the firstie he was going to be sharing a compartment with. That being said, "Hey, do you have a compartment yet? Maybe you can sit with Monty and I." That way he might actually have a chance of enjoying this train ride.

"Plus, I've got loads of candy." That should convince, in case she needed any convincing. "To share. he added. In case it wasn't clear.

Leilani shook her head in disgust. "Bumped into a few while I was shopping." Seriously, they were EVERYWHERE. It was eleven year old madness. GAAAAAH!! The one chic that wasn't a little diva was alright though. Though she did end up with purple hair.

Ooooh no... He was asking her to sit with him... "I-Uuuhh.. Erm..." How was this put nicely? Gaaaahh!! Again.

Ooh, and now he was bribing her with candy. This was EVIL, EEEEEVIL! "I'm, umm..." Leilani looked down. "I'm meeting somebody." she said quietly, fidgeting with her skirt.
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