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Old 08-30-2010, 01:59 AM   #1889 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

OOC: I assume we might want to just skip through their eating and onto when their exiting the restaurant?

Ferris's jaw dropped as Vianna suggested that perhaps Vince taking away his carbs was good as she didn't want him getting fat, "Vi!" he complanied with pure amusement sparkling behind his gaze. "Don't turn into that!" he grumbled teasingly, slipping an arm around around her and pulling the girl into his side with a soft chuckle. "You've gotta stay my Vi," he grumbled to her ear, kissing her cheek before shaking his head just slightly and allowing a soft smile to come aross his expression. But he quickly grew distracted as their food arrived, retrieving his arm from around his wife to help the waiter set the plate down in front of him. Hunger taking over most other thoughts, the young man quickly began to dig into what looked like an amazing meal.

Julia curiously examined the plate that was set before her, light brown eyes scanning it for a moment as though to figure out what exactly she was eating. But it was quite obviously close to spaghetti and so she began to eat daintily, very different from the young men at the table who were eating at a speedy pace.
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