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And well, Copito wasn't too nice with other people, even less if boys were around her Annie. So, he just meowed too high and turned around to the other side of the bag. Annie noticed such rudeness from her cat, "I'm soorrry, about Copito, he's a moody one." He must know, right?!
Callie Parker. "Umm, not personally. But I've heard about her..yeah. Why?" Maybe a girlfrined? Oooh.
So the cat had a personality did it? He liked that. He made his voice extra loud so the kitty could hear him from the other side. "Thats ok," he said. "i guess ill have to eat ALL THESE SARDINES to myself!"
Teehee. Temp the kitty out.
Why? Why exactly. "Ok this may be a little weird, seeing as ive only just met you, but i need to tell someone! And your a girl - you can help!" he said brightly. "I met her on the platform, and she asked me how many people ive kissed, and i hadnt kissed anyone. And then she plants one on me! TWICE! is that a normal thing for girls to do?"
WOW he sounded insane.