Originally Posted by
Pink Ninja
Lexi just lay her head back on Jakers' shoulder and put her arms back around him. She was pretty sure that Dylan thought it was a TERRIBLE tragedy that his little sister was hugged up to his friend, but he would have to get over it. She didn't mind that he and Gold were an item as long as they didn't snog in front of her. Yeah that was gross.
Lexi sighed a little and said to Raiden, "I really hope that for everyone's sake this year is a little quieter... I think we need it, but that might be asking too much." *Snuggle Jake some more*
Ahh, see? Better. Snuggling always made Jake feel better. The boy reached his now longer than ever legs across to the empty seat ahead of him and relaxing some, making sure there was still room for Raiden, should he sit.
Now Dylan was gone and Jake felt less tense, he felt his cheekbone bruising but decided not to pay any attention to it. It'd be well cool to have bruise there when he turned up at school.
... and not have gotten it from someone younger.
"I dddon't think we've ever hhhad a quiet year," Jake chuckled, squeezing Lexi's shoulder.
"But I only hhhope I manage to ssstay well away from any duhh-drama." Quote:
Originally Posted by
Raiden shrugged, leaning against the wall again. It might not have bothered Jake, but it had been something that (after proper recovery from his own injuries) had niggled at the back of his brain for quite a while.
"It's just something I felt needed apologising for. I thought I might have... er... broken your face." Not that that would have been the most worrisome injury Jake suffered that day. "I'm glad you weren't really mad at me for it though."
Because really... he hadn't had much of a choice.
"Ahhhh right. Brothers tend to get all protective." He absently returned to turning the stud in his ear. "I forget that a lot. I guess if my younger brother were a sister instead, I wouldn't..."
To be honest, it had been a while since all of that, and Jake would have thought Raiden would have said something earlier. But that was Jake just being bitter and angsty and 'everyone hates me and I hate my life'. He also KNEW he felt that way, so smiled through it. Eh, he'd get over it. He couldn't really remember it happening.
Very tempted to say how it did actually break his face (his cheekbone, actually) Jake watched as Raiden turned the stud in his ear.
"Haha, snap," he commented, getting a little distracted as he turned his head to show the earring he'd had since... well... he wasn't sure, but he thought he may have been twelve. He had a tongue stud too but he only got that in Easter.
"I was so puhhh-peeved at Reese when she..." Jake broke off. Reese wasn't in his new family, and now he had a little sister, he could compare easier.
"When mmmy little sister is old enough fffor a boyfriend, and finds one, I dddon't think I'll be too ch-cheerful, either."