Originally Posted by
"Yes I duh-do," Jake said calmly, pushing himself up off of the compartment floor and stepping forwards cautiously, attempting to put a hand on Lexi's shoulder.
Though the part about maybe snogging other single boys gave his heart a pang. But it was okay, 'cause then she said it was just him.
"She... she can mmmake her own duhh-decisions," Jake tried weakly, looking at Dylan.
And bracing himself for another punch.
Lexi crossed her arms over her chest as she still kind of stodd there because a Beater she was, but Dylan was a bit stronger. Sigh. She was so mad she could SPIT! Stupid big brother. And Jake was not being as proactive as she would have liked... he should like punch him or something. If Dylan tried to hit him again she would hex his face off.
Originally Posted by
Super Spaz
"This isn't about me, Lexi. This is about you," Dylan spat. He threw her down into the seat. He couldn't stand to touch her. Maybe adopting her was a bad idea. It had changed her. She wasn't the meek, timid girl anymore. She was a monster. A horrible monster. With blonde hair.
"Get off her Jake. You are in a bad place too." Dylan said, standing up to his full height of 6'1".
"She is 14. When she is of age, she is welcome to make her own decisions. Until then she needs guidance."
Lexi was about to haul off and hit him again when she was suddenly sailing through the air and her head bounced off of the compartment wall. "
Owww Dylan! You big brat! That huuuuuurt!" she whined as she rubbed the back of her head.
She glared at him as she flicked her wrist releasing her wand into her hand. "
Dylan, do NOT threaten him! I have about had it with your macho crap! You cannot go around punding every guy that looks at me. I am cute.. it's gonna happen a LOT," she pointed out the obvious. She really wouldn't want to have to hex her brother, but she would. Maybe. Probably not, but he didn't know that.
Oh come off it, Dylan! I do not need guidance! I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!" she muttered as she twirled her wand in between her fingers and glared at him angrily.