Originally Posted by
Yourenodaisy ok, so I hope these questions haven't already been asked. I did a thread search and could not find anything so I think im good.
1. What would be an apropriate blood status if the father is a squib and the mother is a muggle?
2. I don't understand the Gringotts and the whole money thing. do I just make up the amount of money I have to create an account, or do I have to earn it somewhere on the site? Is it ok to purchase supplies if I don't have any established money?
In answer to your first question, that sounds fine to me. After all, it would be like a muggleborn wizard and a witch having a squib for a child, does that make sense? XD Either way, a squib is of magical descent, so that is perfectly fine.
And second, yes, you can just make up the amount of money you have. There is no official earning of money for your characters on site, so don't worry about doing anything wrong ^.^ And yes, perfectly to okay to do that. Nobody is checking up on it. (: