James laughed. Was that what they'd done with this guy? Randomnly found a half decent photographer who could manage a bunch of unmotivated apes? He didn't comment. He didn't want one of the bosses on his bad side.
Suprise. Hm. Had Eddie not expected a woman? But he recognised
that look. Perhaps he wasn't the only good-looking man around here. Competition? PFT. James didn't believe in competition because that sort of entitled the opposition to some sort of contest. Women were James Parkers special department. He would
not be beaten at his own forte. And certainly not by this guy.
But he couldn't really begrudge him. The guy was obviously trying to age gracefully. He would've been sympathetic to his cause but he wasn't in a charitable mood.
James suddenly had a GREAT idea.
"Yes, you should. Perhaps lighten up the mood abit." He winked. There was a certain
ladycrazy mare that James wanted Eddie to meet. Perhaps just for the laughs.
The man laughed. This guy was uh.. 'oreight?' Yeah. Not too bad.
"Least you wouldn't have to deal with hormonal women all day.." And he said like in that sort of friendly way. Like man to man. Yeah. But it was true. The Daily Prophet women were so highly strung you could play the harp. It was crazy. Perhaps it was the workload..
Sneaky quality? James snickered. That was a lovely compliment.
"Mate, you've got to be. People don't like telling reporters anything of interest these days.." Sometimes you had to physically PRY the information from them. . whatever that meant..
"You, on the otherhand, don't look like a photographer. Is that some sort of disguise you guys have now? Don't look like the part?" Obviously the whole 'khaki/sahari/national geographic wasn't appealing anymore..
James had to resist rolling his eyes. News? Now the guy was just being flattering. News was a load of crap. None of it was true and most of the times it was just self-indulged starlets moaning about how they ONLY earnt enough to feed a small city in a year.
Pft. He'd had enough of tabloid magazines.
"Interesting? Mate.. models are the most uninteresting people. They're only good for one thing." And he left it at that.
James felt like the guy was purposefully trying to make him feel younger. Er? Sunshine? Parker laughed.
"Seriously? Did you just call me sunshine?" Oh man.. that was priceless.
"Come on.. I'll show you round.." This guy was a lark.