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Eddie's eyebrows raised incredulously, his dark eyes twinkling with mirth. “The Managin' Editor? Aren't day all dough?” From Eddie's experience of employment, managers were always the most curious of species. They either wanted to be your friend... or they treated you like the lowest of the low. Thankfully, Eddie's charisma had always been beneficial to him in past employment. People respected him. “'Trange? How?” He asked interested.
He really wasn't sure what to make of this man. He was friendly, and yet there was no warmth there. No connection? Maybe it was the Irishman's fault – the first day nerves were quashing his natural warmth. Maybe a drink after work would help the conversation flow more naturally. “I could tell you were a writer.” He winked. “Which section y'write for?”
...And the guided tour? Perhaps they could talk while they walked. Eddie wanted to meet the rest of the staff. He began to move towards the door. “First stop, coffee room I tink.”
James grinned. Beside the fact that the guy sounded like he had a head cold, he was funny in that down to earth kind of way.
"Seems to be. Though, she's all pining over some guy." Rico, whoever he was, had better been some catch for her to be so sappy.
It was curiosity. James laughed.
"I don't really know.. she's rather vague." It'd taken him half an hour to get her to answer his question. Strange woman.
The reporter frowned. He could? Maybe it was because he was holding an article in his hand?
"Do I come across as harassed, underpaid and uninspired?"
That usually signalled a journo. Especially one from the Prophet. Man, he whinged and moaned but he sort of liked his job.
"News. But it's not constraining. They're pretty allowing with what you write." Sometimes..
Oh! Yeah.. he had offered to take him around hadn't he.
"Right.. you probably want to see the place?" He gestured for him to walk in ahead. Best get it over and done with..