James stuffed the paper under his arm, and watched the man curiously. He looked different. Groomed - perhaps wealthy? He just seemed very put together but the way he was talking to him, almost talking down to him, meant that he felt at least ten years older than James. Late thirties? Man, he was old. He probably had children and wore loafers. *shudder*
While the journalist was internally cringing at the poor language. Looker? Merlin.. He smiled though. Egypt was a looker. "It'd be best. The managing editor is a little.. strange." Sienna was confusing. He STILL had no idea who the Rico guy she'd been babbling about was. Wth..
It sort of lilted - the way he spoke. It wasn't really speech it was more melodic than that. Had a sort of beat..
Huh? Oh. Wait.. he was a photographer? Maybe he knew his parents. "Yeah.. " He knew what the tabloids were like. Man.. he'd been there and done that..
He smirked slightly. Journalist. That was the day job. "Yeah. You do what you're good at. I just happen to write a neat column." More than neat. James was awesome. Period.
__________________ Captain Awesome?_________________________________  _________________________________.....Fidget works too. |