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Old 10-15-2004, 09:21 PM
EmmaRiddle EmmaRiddle is offline
Default UPDATED: Singing scenes in the Great Hall have been filmed for GoF

Jamie Waylett (Vincent Crabbe) has updated his website diary with information about scenes he's been involved in filming lately for the fourth Potter film, 'Goblet of Fire'.

This week we have been filming one of the "Great Hall" scenes, with Nearly all the main cast and about 250 - 300 "extras".

For those of you who know the books inside out you might be able to guess what scene this is !

In the scene, we had to sing a song, over and over again all week, now hours after we have finished filming, I cant get that song out of my head !

I don't think it will ever get in the top 100 of the record charts, but I bet you all end up singing it when the film comes out (if you want to or not) .
He also mentions that he is going to an event in Eindhoven, Holland, at the weekend. He promises to put up pictures from his visit when he gets back.

UPDATE: Jamie has contacted The Leaky Cauldron and has confirmed that the song in question is from Philoshopher's Stone, the book and is entitled "Hoggy Warty Hogwarts."

Source: Jamie Waylett via HPANA.
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