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Old 08-27-2010, 04:15 AM   #295 (permalink)
silver_gitana4's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Hogwarts
Posts: 880
"Always" // "all was well."

Originally Posted by ImaBRE! View Post
Isobel looked at the girl. She wasn't worth talking to. "I don't answer to you." she said grimly. She took hold of Albus and apparted to a secrect room in Hogwarts that only the evil people knew of. She walked to the right and shoved Albus into a cage that was surounded by stone that the castle was made out of. Isobel locked the door and sat down at a desk.

Alec looked at James and then he took a hold of Persephone and appartated to the same room as Isobel. "I got her." he told Isobel. Alec pushed Persephone into the same cell as Albus.

Persephone looked at James and then two seconds later she wasn't near him anymore. How could that guy apparate? She saw the man push her into a cell with Al. "Where am I?" she asked. Then she saw Al. "Al?"
The man grabbed persie and apparated away. "No!" james cried. it all happened so fast he barely had time to shoot of a stunning spell. "what the....?" he ran back to the castle as fast as he could. "Rose, Scorp!!" he cried frantically. "I need your help"

Gwen cast her wand at the woman "stupefy" but she apparated in the blink of an eye and she took Al with her. "what the bloody hell? how could she do that on the grounds of Hogwarts?" Al.. she had to find Al. Running back to the castle she spotted Scorp and Rose. "I need your help." she said coming to a stop in front of them. Gwen had run all the way and need a few seconds to catch her breath. By then james had joined them. "some crazy woman took Al"

James looked at her. "wait..what?"

"well, Al and I were walking by the whomping willow when this woman in Death Eater robes came over to us.. she grabbed Al and apparated away with him, on the grounds of the castle no less. I shot a stupefy at her but it was to late."

"Merlin's bloody beard, the same thing happened to Persephone. some guy in death eater robes snatched her. I tried to stop him but he was gone." James looked very pale. "AL and Perse, we have to find them. We have to." he couldn't believe this first his girlfriend and then his baby brother.
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