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Old 08-26-2010, 09:16 AM   #22 (permalink)
Mangig the Scops Owl
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 56

Doing barrel rolls and loop-de-loops in the air, Mangig whizzed through the window, unaware of the fact that he was extremely lucky it was open. Bouncing off the opposite wall (to the untrained eye, it would look as if he'd collided, but he totally, totally had meant to do that, thank you), the small owl whirled in circles around the office, swooping low every other time and threatening to knock any taller objects off the desk. A letter was clenched in his small, sharp owly talons.


To :: Ian Hoshino
From :: Sienna Knoll

Dearest Ian,

I stopped by the office late (the Gringotts trip I made took longer than I expected) and you weren't there. I also forgot to leave a note, but since I was close to the Post Office (and on my way out) just wrote this tiny note.

I'm now informing you that tomorrow I may be away, I'm meeting someone with info about Serio's location (or so he says).

However, it was up to the deliveree to catch him and remove it. Heh. Hehehehe. ZIIIIP.
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