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Chanel turned to see a girl with blonde hair that didn't look as nice as her but not bad. "I'm Chanel Chase Sixth year Hufflepuff." Chanel said sweetly with some attitude. Nothing was wrong anymore someone was talking to her and was giving her attention and she loves it when people give her attention, well she also loves drama too. "Nothing's wrong now"
Lexi frowned slightly at the girl and then shook her head slightly. She seemed to be an odd one, slightly passive aggressive. Oh brother that was ALL she needed was a passive aggressive little psycho on her hands. Sigh. "
Cool," Lexi said but internally she was cursing Hufflepuff with all of her being. She LOATHED most Huffies. She had only met a few select people that were decent human beings that had come from Hufflepuff. VERY few. Of course Lexi let none of this show on her face. She smiled sweetly and then asked, "
What are you looking for? School book?" She was not good at small talk but she would give it a try.