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Old 08-25-2010, 07:39 PM   #6 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Super Spaz View Post
Milo chuckled, as he followed behind his wife. She was cute sometimes. This being one of those times. He patted his pocket with his hand. It jangled slightly. That meant he had money. She could have one.

"So I am in your vision of Heaven then?" he smiled, leaning against the doorframe. He didn't want to enter the room fully. He would probably get slapped for accidentally breaking something.
Tiggy smiled sweetly at Milo and answered, "Milo. My idea of Heaven is DEFINITELY you and a bunch of books. Indeed." She would be lying if she said Milo came first in that scenario... she liked books way before she liked him. Heh.

Originally Posted by Zoerawrr View Post
"This is my favourite part of the store... I don't really let kids back here unless I really need to," Daniel revealed, looking slightly sheepish. He didn't mean to make it sound like he hated kids... but he'd had some clumsy people in the shop.

It was... scary. Some of these books were so old he wouldn't have been surprised if they'd caught fire when being slid out of the shelves.

Them disintegrating was more likely, however.

When Milo spoke, Daniel couldn't help but snort in laughter; not out of mockery, but because it was... well... funny. "Nice one."
Tiggy nodded her head vigorously. "Children are the worst at touching ancient books with filthy little hands. They need to be sanatized before coming into a place like this," she said in all seriousness. This was coming from a woman that was adopting children. Hehe. She would NOT be letting the twins near her study until they got past the stage of being... dirty.

She turned her back on the menfolk then and ran her fingers gingerly over several other tomes. "Daniel, do you have any books on Defensive magic back here. I have recently started to show a further interest into the subject," she said lightly. No need for the kiddo to know that she and Milo were spies or anything. No no.
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