Originally Posted by
My dress he said,"Perfected me perfectly."but I had too disagree. I grabbed his hand,no magic was allowed too be preformed so I wrote."Please I look nuts,red dress and a green belt,what matches there?"I asked him.He laughed,"Sure on a rack it might be ugly,but on you...it's gorgeous."I shook my head,but kissed him on the cheek anyway.
They are so cutttteeee together! It makes me kind of giddy. Is that weird?
As I walked down the marble narrow hallway,I got a weird feeling,like someone was watching me.Then all the lights went out.
Uh oh, this is not good. Especially since she can't really yell out to alert anyone. I think it's going to be Pansy.
hahahha i'm making you wait longer muahahaha
That's not very nice. I like being on the giving end of cliffies, not the receiving.
Originally Posted by Morag
I'm not good at waiting!
She really is telling the truth by the way...

Great post! Please PAMS!