I haven't been keeping up with TSRTD lately, BUT I am glad to announce that I'm BACK now and all caught up!
I saw in a few posts I'd made way back, that I was hoping you'd tell us the history between Jenna and Varius, and... You still haven't spilled the secret, Maxers! ;_____; -Sobs-
I guess I'm just a sucker for romance, but I'm really looking forward to that.
But ahhh so many exciting things! BTW, are we going to see Sirius again soon? GUH he was so hilarious on that chappie so long ago when he was supposed to take Nicola to the ball.
But yeah apparently she's going with that murderer now...
I wanna know what's gonna happen to her, though I hope it's nothing too bad. Nicola might be greedy and selfish, but I kind of hold a soft spot for her.
I don't want anything too horribly bad to happen to her, but knowing Maxers... you might surprise me!
-braces herself-
As for Jenna, I prolly would've done what she never considered... I would've left running 289478 MPH flailing my arms and screaming!
BAHAHHAHA hhehehe. I wonder what Voldie will have to say about her being distracted, though. Again, another character I hope nothing too horrible happens to.
Jenna may be his favie, but... it's still Voldemort... he might do something.
Like, I dunno... maybe he'll... he'll... make her babysit Mr. Donkey!!!!!
Anyway I feel soooo good now that I'm caught up, I really missed this story and your wonderful writing skills, Maxers! Guhh. Your skill at describing details and scenarios overall is just sooo... -salivates-
! BAHA. No, but seriously, your writing is just so... shiny and sparkly. Yet tasty...
^ Oh wow look at me failing big time at being descriptive.
! You must teach me your ways, Maxers!