Chapter 18:I talked too your dad go pick out a white dress<3
Draco's POV:
I had been up for hours rehearsing how i would do it. Christmas was not supposed too be stressed out. I had been coming up with reasons for me too wait. I flipped the box open and closed it.Open,close. Open,close. Over and over in my head.
Her reactions coming at me like bludgers. Her writing No in big letters and a slap in the face. Her saying yes,and I kissing her.(My choice one). Her deciding too say maybe,me following her around ofr days until she answered.but I had a feeling she would do none of the three.
I gulped as she walked down the stairs,she had gussied up for the day.Her hair in curls,cascading down her back perfectly.She wore a red dress with a green ribbon beneath her chest.You would think it was ugly.But it was stunning. I gave a shakey breath,and did the classic,"You look beautiful."and she gave me a warm smile. We had decided too wait till night time too open the gifts.But for now,we had too leave for the Ministry's Christmas Day Ball.
This would be her first appearence,in the Ministry since her disappearence,there was bound too be questions,and bound too be trouble.But I would keep her away.The Daily Prophet wouldn't have a story for tomorrow.She would have a good Christmas.
I promised myself one thing,tonight if she said no.I wouldn't run around asking her again,or crying.I would either let her go,or just I myself dissappear.I bought the ring for a reason. I had it enchanted.It was a Past,Present,Future ring so,it would guarentee I seeing her in her future.
As we got in the car,I begged Merlin she would get the white dress.
ooc:it's a filler complaints
if you notice my chapters are all song quotes for a while...