Originally Posted by
Hello Emily.
Hey, Connie
This always made me feel so sad for Fleur, but, I got to thinking, did she ever make one for Hermione? I don't remember that she did.
Hmmm, now that I think of it, I don't know... I think she did, didn't she? I'll have to go back and read the whole series soon...
This part broke my heart in the book, and again with you writing it. What I really enjoyed was the way you made that the background and focused on Emily watching Fred, George, and Ginny too. They had reactions to the visit from Percy that made Emily concerned.
Thanks, this part was very sad in the book, but I always remember being mad at Percy because of the way he used his family so the Minister could get to Harry...
This was a really good idea.
Oh, thanks. Yeah, I don't think he should be allowed to Apparate when he's angry.

So... was that their gift to each other?

Great post Emily. You made a difficult part of the book your own. I'll be watching for your next.
Awe, thanks, Connie