Grey Warden ✗ Fenris ♥ ✗ Archdemon Slayer ✗ Champion of Kirkwall
Looking around the room and noticing so many young kids and.. mudbloods, Cosette sneered as she made her way to the counter. Looking up to see a bemused and yawning shopkeeper, she put on a somewhat pleased look. After all, this probably was her second favorite shop. Antiques were kind of her collecting hobby.
"Hello," she said, reminding herself everyone here didn't speak French. English was such a nuissance half the time. "I would like to purchase these items, if it quite alright with you." Placing the things on the counter were: one Wizarding Chess set, one set of Two-Way Mirrors, one Moleskin Pouch, one Black Pewter Cauldron, three Everlasting Candles, one Crystal Ball, and one Hourglass. After she finished setting everything on the counter, she smiled to the shop keep. "How much do you suppose this will be?" Didn't really matter/. She had enough.