Of Professor Davina Markovic 
* I am part of the sun, as my eye is part of me.
You can see this inscribed, in small, silver letters, along the round knocker of the dark door - if you look closely. Step inside, and find that Davina Markovic's office is a circular chamber, carpeted and with a huge window - always thrown open - that offers a spectacular view of the grounds, and portions of the school's towers and turrets.
Inscribed on the window-sill that protrudes outwards - in small, silver letters that are only visible if you go up to the window, and peek outside - are the words: That I am part of the earth my feet know perfectly, and my blood is part of the sea.
To the left, is a tall bookshelf, elegant, clearly old, and greater in width, than in height. The books it encompasses are stacked in perfect order, by alphabet and then size. Next to this item of furniture is a beautiful mantelpiece - huge-sized runes scattered across most of it - that sports two goldfishes, in a goldfish-shaped bowl. Sometimes, the top of the mantelpiece catches the light that pours in from the window; and these words light up, inscribed in tiny letters along its curve: There is not any part of me that is alone and absolute, except my mind.
The rest of the office space is taken up by a large desk, an antique piece that has more drawers-within-drawers, and compartments-within-compartment, than you - or Davina herself - can count. Behind it, is a high-backed, deep black chair; in front, two, smaller ones. Davina, seated behind the desk, can read the following words, stamped on the dark edge: ... and we shall find that the mind has no existence by itself -- it is only the glitter of the sun on the surfaces of the water. Please knock before you enter.