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Old 08-21-2010, 01:21 AM
Antarctica Antarctica is offline
Default Professor Risu Antares' office

(Si made this. <3)

Professor Antares returns to begin his second year as a teacher at Hogwarts, and he has used the term break productively. His office, near the top of the Astronomy Tower, still offers the same spectacular view across the grounds, but the professor has applied himself as an interior designer to make the inside look a little more acceptable as well.

The walls are lined with bookcases - big, solid shelves made out of sturdy wood that extent to the high ceiling (where only a ladder or a summoning charm can retrieve what is stored on them). These have replaced the huge cardboard boxes which cluttered up the professor's office last term. Of course, the haphazard stacks of books and journals remain, but the chaos has been confined to the shelves, leaving the floor free.

On the left side of the door, two extra chairs have been set up - in case, perhaps, a student needs moral support when being summoned to see the professor. To the other side, a small but practical stove serves as a life-saving artefact in winter and a space-freeing filing surface in summer. A hot cup of tea is always available.

Most of the rest of the space in the room is taken up by a large desk. Not too much of the dark wood is visible - Professor Antares practices the first-available-surface method of filing, as evidenced by his stove and shelves, and has spread out journal articles, data sheets, and correspondence all over his desk. One corner, however, remains free of clutter. There, in another frame, rests a photograph of two smiling people, their arms wrapped around each other. Risu's parents.
The inscription on the frame reads Karin and Per Laelaps-Antares, LuleƄ, Sweden.

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