CoMC Classroom Rules & Guidelines Please scroll down for more. 
Please read these rules and guidelines. They are here to help and guide you during the lessons.
Professor Saylen expects everyone who wishes to participate in classes to follow them. If you have any questions, PM me. ☛ If you have not done so already, please familiarize yourself with the general SS Board Rules and General Classroom Rules. ☛ Respect eachother. Do not be condescending if you find yourself disagreeing with anyone. Lack of respect can lead to loss of housepoints. Repeated rudeness will lead to detention. ☛ This is a place for learning - do not vent your anger, share your nonexistent romantic life or let everyone know you bought new pricey shoes. We don't care. Most importantly, Maya doesn't care. Don't waste our time. ☛ Treat the creatures with care. I don't think I need to say more on this. ☛ Arrive on time. If Maya sees you sneaking in after the class started, she will deduct points. - If you find yourself arriving in the middle of the lesson, act as if you have been present the whole time. Do not announce your lateness! ☛ No unnecessary chatting. Arrive at the class in a calm manner and don't be loud - it can scare the creatures. - Now is the time and place for discussing class subjects - any other discussions will be frowned upon. Loss of house points is possible. ☛ Raise your hand before answering. - You wouldn't just blurt out your answer in a class at school, so don't do it here. ☛ No cheating / plagiarism / copying. If you look something up, do not copy and use it as your answer – describe it in your own words. If you get caught, no points will be rewarded - however, loss of points is possible. - You wouldn't cheat with an essay for school - don't do it here. ☛ Don't spam the thread with OOC comments. If you have anything OOC to say to anyone, PM them – that's what it's there for. - Repeated OOC comments will be deleted and a warning will be issued. ☛ This is a place to care for magical creatures, NOT a place for you to act like an abnormal baboon and ruin the education for yourself and your fellow students. - Anyone who ignores these guidelines and acts with reckless behaviour will be removed from the class, lose points and receive detention - and anything else in Maya's power to punish you. ☛ In order to avoid injuries, follow and listen to Professor Saylen. - Seeing as we will be handling all sorts of creatures, an injury or two could happen - getting a scratch or being bitten. However, please be realistic when RPing as getting run over by a horde of nifflers is not. Use common sense and do not under any circumstances let your character recieve ghastly/deadly wounds.
If necessary, Professor Maya can attend to your minor injuries, or the Healer could.