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Old 08-17-2010, 09:27 PM
Lislchen Lislchen is offline
Default Muggle Studies Classroom Rules

Muggle Studies Classroom Rules
Before posting ANYWHERE in this part of the school, make sure to familiarize yourself with the following rules. And yes, trust me, I WILL know if you haven't read them. I will. Honestly. So, go read them. And abide them. Obviously. them. Go on. Do it.

[#] Make sure to respect everybody, including yourself. And by everybody I mean me - the professor - AND your classmates. Jeremy WILL deduct points for rude behavior towards others. He might even give you detention. Plus, if it's really offensive behavior then you might even risk an official site warning and/or infraction.

[#] Please refrain from excessive chatting during class. It is rude towards others, plus you might risk losing valuable house points. So, if the Prefects, the Head Boy and Head Girl or the professor tells you to be quiet, just do it, okay?

[#] Do not post your character arriving late for class. Tardiness will NOT be tolerated. You WILL lose house points unless you really do have a very good reason for coming late (e.g. super-secret meeting with the Headmaster). But in general, just pretend like you have been there all along.

[#] Participation is very much encouraged in this class. However, please make sure to also give other people a chance to answer. If the question is about naming a Muggle animal then don't name 23243 but only one so other people can answer too. You will not get more participation points if you name more than one, unless I specifically ask you to name ALL of them. And please raise your hand before answering a question.

[#] Absolutely no cheating in this class or anywhere around the school. If I catch you copying from your friends and/or directly copy/pasting stuff off the internet I will not only not count your assignment but you WILL lose additional points. So, don't do it.

[#] Any homework assignments submitted AFTER the deadline will not be counted and you will not receive any points for it. Normally the deadline for HW assignments is two weeks if not stated otherwise. That normally should be enough time to complete it. For information on how to properly submit homework, please look at the second post of this thread.

[#] If you haven't already done so, make sure to familiarize yourself with the SS Board Rules and the General Classroom Rules. They also apply in this classroom. So, don't break any of them.