New post time! Are you ready to find out who the mystery person is?
“This isn’t the safest place for you, you know,” a voice said from behind her. Emily tilted her head back to look upside down at the man. His robes were dingy and patched. He smiled crookedly at her, his scars on his face popping against his pale skin. His hair blew in the wind as she slowly stood up from the bench. Her Firewhiskey dropped from her hand, breaking as it hit the cement.
“Am I dreaming?” she whispered as a tear welled up in her eye. He shook his head and Emily jumped on him, tightly wrapping her arms around his neck.
He laughed his throaty laugh as he hugged her back.
“I’ve missed you too, Ems,” Remus said as he kissed her hair. Remus Lupin twirled her around in the air, like he did when she was five. She chuckled as he gently placed her back on the ground.
“I’ve missed you so much, Rems,” she said quietly. He smiled down at her, his form much thinner.
“Are you hungry? Or did that Firewhiskey fill you up?” he asked as he put his arm around her shoulders.
“Funny,” she said with a sarcastic smile.
“I could go for lunch,” she smiled.
“Lunch it is,” he laughed. Emily wrapped her arm around his waist.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home?” she asked.
“I wanted to surprise you,” he chuckled.
“You succeeded,” Emily laughed. Remus bent over and kissed the top of her head.
“So, where are we going?” Emily asked.
“Home,” he said with a smile.
“How did you know where I was?” she asked curiously.
“I went to the joke shop and George told me you had to go to the school today. So, I went up to the school and saw Tonks, who told me you already left and looked a little down. So, I figured it out,” he smiled.
“I know you enough that when you’re down, you go to the Three Broomsticks.” She looked up at him and frowned slightly.
Hearing Tonks’ name reminded her of something.
“How long did you and Tonks talk?”
“Only long enough for her to tell me where you were,” he said indifferently.
“What did you talk about before you got to the subject of me?”
“Nothing, it went straight to you,” he said.
Emily thought about it. She could just ask him about his promise, but she didn’t want to. She didn’t want disappointment, she didn’t want to fight, and she didn’t want Tonks to be right. So, she bit her tongue and convinced herself that
she was right, not Tonks.
After they walked around Hogsmeade for a while, Remus Apparated them home. They walked through the front door and Remus switched on the lights.
“Home sweet home,” he whispered. Emily chuckled lightly as she took her shoes off. Remus took the stairs two at a time as he went to change into something more comfortable.
Emily walked into the kitchen to look for something edible. She saw a note on the fridge with her name on the top.
Ems, I had a feeling Remus and you would want to eat and I knew he didn’t have anything edible, so I took the liberty of going out and getting some food for you. I love you, and I’ll see you tonight at home hopefully.
Emily smiled as she peeled the note from the fridge and put it on top of the counter. She opened the freezer and took out some barbeque chicken. She let them thaw out as she put some baked potatoes in the oven. She took out her wand to speed things up and had everything cooking by the time Remus came down the stairs.
“Mmmm, where’d the food come from?” Remus said as he sniffed the air.
“The world’s greatest husband,” Emily smiled. Remus chuckled lightly as he pulled out some tea bags to make some sweet tea.
Emily and Remus decided to eat in the living room, relaxing as they caught up on everything. He congratulated her on her O.W.L.s and the finishing of her house.
“You’ll have to come over for dinner tonight and see it,” Emily said before taking a sip of her tea.
“Sure, sure, who’s all coming over?” he asked.
“I don’t know. Who do you want to come over?” Emily asked with a grin.
“Don’t invite her, Ems,” Remus whispered.
Emily frowned slightly.
“Why not?”
“It’s not going to happen, and I’d really not want a big scene tonight. Just, for me, don’t invite her,” he said quietly.
“Okay, if that’s what you really want,” Emily said as she glanced back at the TV screen. They were watching a rerun of
Family Feud.
“Newspaper!” she shouted at the screen after the host asked what could be found outside by the front door of a house.
“Welcome mat is number one,” Remus said. Emily shook her head with a grin.
“No way! Newspaper is number one!” Emily disagreed.
“We’ll see,” Remus chuckled. The next person up said welcome mat and Remus glanced over at Emily as the number one answer revealed welcome mat.
“Oh, shut it,” she laughed. Remus chuckled at her and then bit into a piece of chicken.
Emily and Remus joined George and Fred for dinner at Emily and George’s house after they shopped for her schoolbooks in Diagon Alley. Remus took a tour of the newly redone house. He commended them on their taste, asking who would be filling up those rooms. They all laughed and joked, having a good time. Remus stayed for the night, but left before anyone woke up the next morning. He left Emily a note saying that it was easier if there weren’t any good-byes. She cried silently into George’s neck until it was time to go to school. She wanted to get there a little earlier than necessary and get some reading done.
“Hi, Tonks,” Emily said quietly as she approached the gate.
“Are you okay?” Tonks asked as she moved towards the gate.
“Not really. Remus left this morning without saying goodbye,” Emily explained.
“I’m sorry, Ems,” Tonks whispered as she moved over and hugged Emily. Emily hugged her back lightly, gave her a small smile, and then walked away. Emily made her way over to her tree and sat beneath it, pulling out her Charms book. She began reading about nonverbal spells until it was time to get to class.
*Alrighty, tell me whatchya think

See, Remus is fine