You love her. Jim. Violet the Ally. The Mother Insulter Gabe. hmph. Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen O_O!!!!!!!! "Jimmy, DON'T!" He was going to get HURT by the AWFUL BOY!! It was too late though. Jimmy was mid-flight, and indeed, tackle imminent.
Neptune Bott began to fret. Wet, messy, fretting. WHY wasn't someone swooping in to SAVE her? She'd NEVER, in all her life, been through such TRAUMA. A real fight!
... what if her MOTHER found out? If she kept Neptune out of Hogwarts because of some blond, lotion stealing MONSTER....
Seeing an ally, Neptune rushed to the girl arrival and took her arm, then dragged her to the messy scene (as best she could, anyway). "Kick the blond one!" Neptune showed her how, aiming at blond Mother Insulter's side/bum. |