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Old 08-16-2010, 03:03 PM   #25 (permalink)
D.A Forever
Dark Force Defense League

Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 50,187
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Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad

Originally Posted by Moonspirit View Post
Leah worked her way up to the counter, a cast iron, pygmy puff, cage in one hand.
"Hi, was wondering if I could buy this cage, and this lovely maroon pygmy puff," she said reaching into her hood and carefully picked up a small sleeping pygmy puff that had been cuddled up with her ferret. Her ferret, Kai-kun woke at the movement and climbed down her shoulder so that he could sit beside the pygmy puff.
Artie smiled warmly, finding it rather adorable how much the children coming through the shop enjoyed the Pygmy Puffs, and the Pygmy's took to them just as easily. Though, she supposed, that was a way of life for the little furrballs. "You absolutely may, dear. That'll be 1 galleon,"
Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
Jinx? "Awhh! What a cute name!" Neko was totally an animal person, mainly cats, but who could resist the adorably cute face of a puppy? Turning semi-serious and listening about the food precautions, Nekoda smiled, nodding her head enthousistically, "I can manage that!" Thank goodness they didn't require too much work, not that that would stop her from getting Plume of course.

Hearing the price, Nekoda dug into her purse, pulling out the bag of money her uncle presented her that morning, and retreiving a galleon. "Here you go! And thank you!"
"Thanks, and I'm glad to hear it." Artie chuckled lightly when the young girl declared she could keep up with the Pygmy's food needs. She hadn't any doubts before, but she wouldn't need to now. The Pygmy was in good hands.

"You are very welcome, have a good summer!" Turning to the register, the Shopkeeper deposited the money before turning back to her next customer.

Originally Posted by luna_severus_26 View Post
Leilani walked up to the front counter, setting down her little squeely thing. Thankfully, it was a good little Pygmy Puff and sat down. Mabey she could teach it to roll over?

She set down several othee items next to her little squeely thing including five puking pasties, a dozen dungbombs, and a set of fireworks. The little squeely thing nudged the fireworks and Lani dragged it away from them shaking her head. If the little squeely thing exploded they'd both be doomed.
"Hello," Artie greeted while the girl moved a little daring Pygmy Puff away from the box of fireworks, wearing a rather amused expression. Getting a bag out and charming it to lighten the load and make everything fit into a normal-sized bag, whether or not it normally would have (in this case it wouldn't have), Artie began to arrange the items inside with the basic fireworks going first. They did have an age limit on the fireworks, but she wasn't too worried at the moment; the girl was in her teens, probably around fourteen or fifteen and the requirement was fifteen years old and up. "Will this be all for you, then?"

With the last of the purchases in the bag, Artie left the Pygmy Puff and it's little cage on the side.

Originally Posted by Riverlynn View Post
Dozer was about to answer her when she took off to go and get the pygmy puff he had requested. Stuffing his hands in his pockets he watched as she disappeared into the crowd. The noise level in the joint was getting to be a bit much but he wouldn't have to be here much longer.

When she returned with the little puff ball in a cage he gave a small smile. "Thanks. And a variety pack would be great."
"You're very welcome," the young woman replied offhand, glancing around her counter until her dark blue eyes found their way to the floor where Jinx laid at her feet, the keychain she was looking for in the pup's mouth. "Aha, I need that back, Jinx. It's not for you to chew on," Artie spoke absently, kneeling down to retrieve the key she wiped on the side of her jeans to rid them of drool as she stood once again and faced the waiting boys with the same gentle smile, unlocking a drawer at her side while she explained, "I have to keep the candies over here locked up for when little ones are visiting so there won't be a problem of them accidentally eating one."

Taking one of the mixed, variety bags from inside, Artie closed the drawer but left it unlocked this time and held the bag of candies up to show the young man a colorful list on the front that identified the different kinds, what they did and what they looked like (color, shape and any other specifics in appearance). "Make sure not to lose that parchment, it works as a guide and without it you'll be taking a risk worse than eating Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, or rather having someone else eat them."

"8 galleons and 7 sickles is the new total," she added, setting the candies in the bag and slid it closer to him.

Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Ethan glanced up from the counter when a voice addressed him. Yet another pretty female - just what was in the water around here? Leaning his folded arms onto the counter, he answered with a smirky grin, "Well, hello..." Then he stepped back suddenly in surprise as an overly jubilant puppy tried to greet him with a slobbery kiss. Chuckling to himself as the shopkeeper put him down, he said, "Cute..." Then looked back up at her with a smile as she set everything in a bag... very distracted and completely forgetting to ask about those candies... Oh, right! He suddenly remembered as she she asked... "Yes, I was hoping to purchase a variety pack of Mischief Managed Candies as well." After all, the sign did say to ask about them.
Artie grinned when the young man commented on Jinx, who was obviously just leaking with enthusiasm toward any old stranger. "Thanks." It was a good thing the puppy wasn't meant for any guard dog jobs, licking someone didn't quite fall under protective skills.

"Awesome! One with all the flavors, or are there a specific few you'd like?" She asked, opening the drawer at her side again to grab a variety bag of Mischief Managed candies.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.

Last edited by D.A Forever; 08-17-2010 at 06:55 PM. Reason: Removing my temporary OOC note ^__^
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