Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
"Your mother! Noo!" Neptune gasped, her mouth still hidden behind her hands. Jimmy had a REAL nice mother, too! It'd have suited this young man better to BE a robber over a Mother-Insulter.
Neptune toed the very edge of the mess. She didn't really wish to get her shoes all mucked up. Shoe integrity or help Jimmy? EEeeep!
Awww his LIP though! Neptune wibbled from her safe place outside the mess. Maybe she could take her shoes off...
GASSSPPPPP again! He was trying to HURT Jimmy! Neptune forgot the mess, her shoes, and stomped over to Messy and Messier. She scoped out a relatively "clean" spot on the Mother Insulter's chest and PRODDED him. "You are a very ill behaved young man. Are you disturbed? Where is YOUR mother?" Neptune was going TO. TELL. ON. HIM. She eyed her finger for any mess, then waggled it in his FACE. BAD. Very BAD boy!
"What's your problem? Jemima snogged you so much you can't think for yourself? He's the one that started all this." Gabe answered and flicked a globule of shampoo at the girl. "If you had half a brain you'd see that this, like every other mess he's ever gotten me into, is all his fault."
Originally Posted by
Jimmy ignored Gabriel as best he could, having to move a little to avoid the attempt at a head butt.
He was so lame.
"Yeah. My mother! Obviously he's got no respect for his betters, this guy."
Jimmy watched in amusement as Tuney stomped over. She looked cute when she stomped, though he'd not actually tell her that, it was more fun to call her a brat and watch her pout usually.
He twisted Gabe's arm again and then took the opportunity to push himself to his feet and let the other boy go, hopefully face first in a pile of lotion.
Face first indeed. Gabriel got a mouthful of shampoo and ended up sneezing a few bubbles as he slowly managed to get to his feet, rubbing at his arm which was pretty darn sore after all that manhandling.
It was hard not to slip either, the floor was covered in so many different things, not to mention Gabriel himself was all greased up too.
"You're an idiot and I hate you." He grumbled.