Originally Posted by
Shaking her head slightly and letting out a small giggle, Mia took Sal by the arm and started walking backwards up the aisle. "Come on Sal, it's a beautiful day outside. Let's hurry up and get our books and then we can go somewhere fun."
She wasn't sure where they were going to go seeing how this was pretty much the second time she had been to Diagon Alley. Mia had no idea where things were and what was a good place to do to. Floreans was pretty awesome though.
"Right. Books." Salander said as he reopened the school supplies list.
Originally Posted by
"Accio," Daniel cast as he flicked his wand out of his holster and waved it at a higher shelf, focusing on the book. Once he handed the book over, Daniel smiled slightly. "I can put the books aside for you, until you come back with money," he told the kid.
"Hmmm?" Daniel turned as he felt a tap-tap-tapping on his shoulder. "Oh, right... of course," he smiled, and waved his wand at book in question, levitating it down for the girl. "Want me to put it on that pile?"
It looked... rather heavy already.
Craning his neck for some some help, Salander could hear conversation a few aisles over. He turned the corner and saw two little ones and a tall one. He gave a good guess which was the shopkeeper.
He cleared his throat and with the supply list in his hand, waited
patiently for his turn. Mia was with him after all.