Horses Forever! l l Writer for Life l Yearbook alumnus Testing boundaries 49. Wingardium Leviosa Firenze ran through the forest, chasing Bane. They were young, mere colts by centaur standards, and still preferred to frolick around the Forbidden Forest instead of waiting for night to set in so they could gaze at the stars through the foliage like their elders.
What the two had failed to notice was how close they had galloped to the forests’ edge, and the school grounds beyond were as forbidden to them as their home was to the students. They only skidded to a halt once they saw two young wizards yelling at each other, drawing their wands.
“You have no place here, you halfblood filth!” the smaller of the two shouted.
“How dare ye! Ah’ll give ye filth!” the larger - much larger - one yelled back, also drawing his wand and muttering a spell before his opponent.
Whose wand promptly flew out of his hand and paused, hovering mid-air above its owner’s head.
“A levitating spell!” Firenze muttered, gazing with wonder at the magic. Neither of the two had ever witnessed wizards practicing magic before.
And that is how the centaurs met Hagrid.
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