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''It was a pleasure'' Josh replied sarcastically as he looked for more coins on the floor. He had managed to collect a few knuts so far and when looking at them again he could clearly remember that they were not that few! His already few money were fewer now. Though there seemed to be no more coins on the floor the boy kept searching determinedly and he stepped next to the Hufflepuff boy as he did.
Sigh. He was almost sure that Jake might step on his coins on purpose. So the Gryffindor poked the boy who seemed to be examining the wands in display to make him step to the other side. ''Mooove'' he said with a cold tone yet when he was about to poke him again he lost his balance for some unknown reason and fell into the pile of colourful house wands. ''Gah! You did this! Right! You did!''
And now it was the wands' turn to be scattered around.
This kid had the temper of a pregant bull. SRSLY!
"Chill out!" Jake exclaimed, kind of taken aback by the outburst. He HADN'T done ANYTHING, and he may have help pick up the wands if Josh hadn't started having a go at him again.
GAH! How was he supposed to deal with this.
"I'm gggoing to go out to the ssstreet, 'cause I don't wwwwant to cause any ttttrouble in here. Then we'll ttttalk."
With that, Jake stepped around the wands, pinching the bridge of his nose (and being sure to check he wasn't about to be tripped up) and exited the shop.
So much for buying a wand polishing set.