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Old 08-11-2010, 02:28 PM   #771 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Posts: 7,087
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

New post time!

Emily’s O.W.L.s arrived all too soon. She took them back to back. On Monday, she took both parts of Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. It was a long day to say the least. On the second day, Emily took Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, History of Magic, and Astronomy. She took her tests in two days, in which everyone else took them in two weeks. She thought she did fairly well on most, unsure of others.

The week of her tests, she took a break. Dumbledore told her that she would receive her results within a week since she was in a hurry to start her new studies. For the rest of the week, Emily helped out at the joke shop or went to Hogwarts to visit Ginny and the others. Monday arrived and she felt extremely anxious.

“Do you want me to stay home until you get the scores?” George asked as he took her hands.

Emily started shaking her head before he even finished. “No, you go ahead, I’ll come over when I get them,” Emily said quietly. George kissed her cheek and left.

Emily waited around the house, at the kitchen table, for a few hours. She stared out the back window, waiting for a glimpse of an owl. The only thought going through her mind was that it was taking too long for them to get back to her because she failed miserably. Right before noon, she saw a brown, barn owl flying towards her open window. She started breathing heavily as if she had just run a marathon.

The owl swooped in and landed lightly on the kitchen table in front of her. She stared at it as it lifted its leg. Her hands shook as she detached the letter and the owl flew off.

“Oh no, oh no,” Emily whispered to herself as she opened the envelope. She took a deep breath as she opened the neatly folded piece of parchment.

Pass Grades
Fail Grades

Emily James Remus Amelia Sirius Black Weasley has received:

Astronomy O
Care of Magical Creatures O
Charms O
Defense Against the Dark Arts O
Herbology O
History of Magic E
Potions O
Transfiguration O

Emily looked over her results three times before it finally it her that she had passed everything. She smiled hugely as she looked at all of the O’s and the one E. She stared for half a second longer before knocking over the chair she was sitting in and running from the room. She locked her front door and Apparated to Diagon Alley. Emily flung the door open to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. George and Fred’s heads snapped up, as did the customers'. She didn’t give them two seconds to ask questions—Emily flat out ran to George, jumping up on him. She swung her legs around his waist and wrapped her arms around his neck as she started kissing him. He twirled her around as the customers laughed. He started smiling against her lips as Fred rolled his eyes. Fred slipped out the piece of paper that was in Emily’s hands.

“Blimey, Emily!” he said loudly. “You’ve tied with Hermione with these scores,” Fred said in awe.

George sniggered as he pulled back to look at Emily. “Is that what the enthusiasm is for?” Emily nodded with a grin. George glanced over at his twin. “You sound surprised,” George said with a laugh. “I told you that you could do it,” George whispered.

Emily slipped down from his waist and felt the cold floor beneath her feet. She glanced down and noticed her bare feet. “Oh, I guess I forgot my shoes,” she mumbled. She pulled out her wand and said, “Accio shoes!” Her shoes from the flat upstairs zoomed into her hands. She pulled them on and then looked up.

“Congrats, little sis,” Fred said with a smile.

“Thanks, Freddie,” Emily said as she gave him a hug. George seized Emily’s scores and looked them over.

“I’m proud of you, baby,” George said as he gave Emily another hug.

“Thanks,” Emily smiled. “I have to go see Dumbledore in a bit, but how about a feast for dinner? Fred, you have to come, and if there’s a certain lady friend you want to invite, she’s invited as well,” Emily grinned. Fred grinned and nodded. “Think about what you want, and I’ll be by later to take orders,” Emily said as she kissed George and walked out of the shop. She popped over to Hogsmeade and made her way up the castle.

Tonks was at the gate, just like all the other days. She smiled wistfully at Emily before turning to the gate. Tonks and she hadn’t quite made up from that one night, and so they barely talked anymore. Emily smiled politely as Tonks pushed open the gate.

“Good day,” Emily said quietly as she passed. As she walked up to the castle, her face formed a frown. She wished that she and Tonks could put it all behind them, but she was stubborn and didn’t agree with what Tonks said. She passed by Hagrid’s Hut and noticed Buckbeak, or Witherwings rather. Her frown became more evident as she remembered her father and how he was taken from her. She remembered her Godfather and how she hasn’t seen him in a month or so. All of her happiness died away with the leaves crunching beneath her feet.
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