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Salander opens the door to the bookshop, and holds it long enough to let his companions in. Looking around, it appeared to him like any other used bookshop... and smelled like one too. Fumbling the supplies list from his pocket, he opens it up to check the books they needed "Okaaayy.... "Great Wizards of the 20th Century"" where's that?...."
Mia stepped into the bookshop and looked around with wide eyes. There were so many books. It was like the sweet shop. So many choices.
She walked along the shelves her finger trailing against the spine of each book and she stopped about halfway when she heard Sal speak. "Maybe we should ask the shopkeeper?" Because Mia didn't have a list and she couldn't remember what she was supposed to be getting.
Turning back to the book shelf, she began to read the titles of the books but peeking at Sal from out of the corner of her eye. "May I ask what happened back in the sweet shop?" She hadn't said anything until now because Sal had been his charming self on the walk up here but it kept nagging at her.