Thread: Harry Potter: Living a Nightmare - Sa16+
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Old 08-10-2010, 02:35 AM   #1 (permalink)

Jo's Fangirl
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Join Date: Apr 2008
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexis Phytheon
Slytherin Living a Nightmare - Sa16+

This is the first fan fiction I have posted on here, I am not a particularly good writer, I do however enjoy writing. So let me know what you think, it's a bit of an odd story, but then again so am I. The second part is already written and will be posted asap. Thanks for reading.

Disclaimer: The HP universe belongs to J. K Rowling.



Stan Shunpike, trolley driver turned death eater. Murderer, torturer, and worshipper of the Dark Lord, he was acting on Voldemort’s orders to find all the muggle borns, and all the blood traitors as they called them, when he ran into her. Alexis Phytheon.

She was pure blood, and from the Slytherin house. Both her parents had been death eaters when they died. When they left her all alone at such a young age. She certainly didn’t fit the profile of someone the dark lord would have a bounty on.

However Alexis wasn’t anything like her parents. She chose not to follow him, she thought his reasons were deplorable. Kill the mudbloods, kill the muggles, torture and kill the blood traitors. But why? What did they do to deserve it? Because they’re not of pure blood? She resented that fact that she had this retched blood status; pure bloods were nothing more then pompous, self-worshipping fools, thinking they were like royalty or something with their ridiculous pure blood. She didn’t think anything like that should matter. What difference did it make? It made none at all.

But here was Lord Voldemort, recruiting all these people into his vile dark circle and convincing them to track down everyone not of pure blood to torture, and eventually kill or leave for the dementors to steal from them their souls forever.

Unfortunately she was pretty high on the list of undesirables to be apprehended. She was a blood traitor, and they hated the fact that not only was she pure blood, but that her parents were death eaters and she chose not to continue their saga. She chose to be against them, even worse then a blood traitor some would say.

And so it happened that one day after spending many weeks hidden away with several muggle borns and blood traitors in a house that belonged to a pure blood wizard who was known to be out of the country that Stan Shunpike and his league of death eaters should show up unexpectedly. How they found out who was hiding in there no one quite knew. Someone outside must have said something to the wrong persons or maybe someone overheard them talking of their hideout. Either way they had been discovered and now death was at their door.

Alexis was a fighter however and would not go down without trying. There were many of them though and they were skilled in the ways of dark magic. She fought with all her skill and cunning, but alas the death eaters had brought down a number of them and she was heavily outnumbered. They stole her wand, and tied her along with the others. She cursed Voldemort’s name and everything that he stood for, enraged Stan said the words of ceaseless pain and she struggled vainly through the suffering. Finally when it was over he hit her a few times in the face, it didn’t hurt nearly as much as the cruciatus curse but it broke open her lip and blood poured down her neck. The others were in bad shape too but she had got the worst of it.

She was carried away bound by the wrists and ankles to an enchanted carriage that moved on its own unassisted. The drive seemed to take for ever and after receiving a few more punches by Stan she chose to finally to sit still, her head bowed and eyes closed in her own failure. When the carriage finally stopped she opened her eyes to see that they had arrived at the Ministry of Magic. “Voldemort” she said aloud to no one but herself. This was where they executed muggle borns and all who opposed the dark lord by means of the dementors thieving kiss. She was terrified, she didn’t realize they were taking her here. This was worse then death, they would steal her soul, and she would be left to an eternity of horror.

When the door to the carriage was opened one of the death eaters, a large blonde one grabbed the nearest muggle born and hauled him out roughly, dragging him towards the building. Another death eater did the same, grabbing a small muggle born girl by the wrist and yanking her out so that she cried terribly as she was hauled away. Shunpike next made to grab Alexis but she snapped at him with her teeth nearly missing his hand. With his wand quickly pointed at her he shouted “Wingardia leviosa!” she flew out and hit the concrete ground very hard, hearing a loud snap intense pain flooded her world. Her leg felt broken and she could not get up to fight if indeed there was any left in her. He flicked his wand and she was forced to her feet, her left leg hung limply and awkwardly and soared with fiery pain. She fell to the ground and tears sprung to her eyes.
“You coward” she growled in hatred at him “you coward.”

He replied by kicking her in the stomach with so much force that it was the last thing she knew before it all went into darkness.

When she awoke she was in a room with several other people, the few who had been in the carriage included. It was a small room with no windows, and in it Alexis sat, bleeding from her face, despair had hold of her. Horrible ceaseless despair engulfed her and she sat with her head in her hands and cried, for such intense futility could be brought by nothing other then the dementors of Azkaban. They awaited her, outside the walls; her days were numbered she thought to herself, her life to be stolen.

She would choose death if she could, if it were an option. Perhaps somehow, the Dark Lord would choose to kill her himself, maybe for the satisfaction of ending her traitorous life. Maybe she could say something to make him so angry he would lose control and say the killing words, so swift it would be, and painless. Or maybe it would achieve nothing but her own soul being torn from her as he watched the dementors steal it away. She closed her eyes. Her body throbbed with pain, blood dripped from a gash across the side of her face and from her lip. Death would be a release from this anguish, an end though to everything that she was.

How did she even know though that she would be brought before him? Maybe they were going to take her to the dementors straight away. No chance to argue her case, no chance at all. She had hope though, still it burned inside her, diminished, and feeble, still it burned, looking for anyway out. Quiet she remained as she tried not to focus on her pain, and silently she waited.

After what seemed like hours a door opened on one end of the room and a dark figure appeared adorned all in black, and looked for a moment like a dementor. Her heart stopped hammering only the slightest when her eyes focused and she realized who had entered. The others in the room cowered away, edging up against the walls. Shunpike pointed his wand at Alexis though and she knew that she was to go first. “Be a good girl and this’ll all be over soon,” he snarled at her, “come,” and he gestured with his hand to follow. She glowered at him, violent images swarming in her mind. She was shaking with hate and wanted him dead. Her heart pumped her venomous pure blood at too fast of a rate and she swore to herself she would kill him at any chance. She spat on the floor and looked at him with disgust, “I’ll be the last thing you ever see Stan, I promise that,” and she stood her ground, hardly bearing the pain in her leg.

“Wingardium leviosa” and the next thing she knew she was hovering over the ground trailing behind the wretched death eater. Struggle as she might there was no way to escape the spell. She swore at him and struggled but to no avail. They left the room, the door closing and locking itself behind them, through hall after dark hall they went until finally they reached a large door where Shunpike halted, making her stop behind him. With his wand pointed at her he said the counter spell and she crashed to the ground unable to keep herself upright, for the pain was agonizing. She didn’t try to get up, there was no use in it, she sat awkwardly on the ground her broken leg splayed out beside her while Shunpike stood over her grinning horribly. “Gonna meet your maker tonight girly” he spat. Her body shaking she refused to look him in the eyes, her head down she closed hers and prayed the dementors were not on the other side of the door.

Stan walked to the door then and opened it a crack, Alexis could hear him talking to someone on the other side but couldn’t see who it was. He shut the door after a minute and came towards her. “Any last words?” he asked her “before you’re sentenced to death?”

If looks could kill the one she then gave him certainly would have caused him a horrid death, but unfortunately they couldn’t and he went on living.

Instead of using his wand on her like before he walked up to her, he forced her through the doors more dragging her then anything. She screamed at him and tried clawing at his face, but he was too strong and the pain in her leg was overwhelming. Behind the doors they were in a theatre or coliseum or some sort. All around her there were seats that rose up high, and in the centre of the coliseum there was nothing but a flat floor which Stan then threw her onto. She fell to the ground and didn’t try to get up, Stan turned and left quickly. Her gaze she lifted directly in front of her, for up on a higher landing where the chairs started, catching her eyes and holding them dead still was the Dark Lord himself, Lord Voldemort. He stared hard at her, his eyes seemed to pierce her very soul itself. Only after a few seconds did she noticed who sat at his side. This hurt more then anything, more then her broken leg, more then the knowledge she was likely going to be murdered. Severus Snape sat there, right beside him, her favourite teacher, all along she had refused to believe all the things she was told about him, she denied it. But this confirmed her worst fears, seeing him alongside the Dark Lord, watching him put the traitors to death. He had been more than a teacher to her, he was a friend; they had enjoyed many evenings together talking of everything and anything, talking of life. And now this, he was going to watch her die, he was going to let it happen.

He had an odd look on his face at the sight of her though, he looked surprised to see her. She gazed up into his dark eyes, and he stared right back at her, perhaps he had been hoping she would not be caught, maybe he didn’t want to see this go through. Though the damage was done, he was a death eater and whether or not he cared if she herself lived that still didn’t change that he was a cruel monster. It didn’t change the things he’d likely done and seen and let happen.

Alexis let her head drop slowly and though she closed her eyes the tears still leaked from them. She shook roughly and wanted to die, she didn’t want the pain of it all to continue. She prayed he’d strike her down swiftly.

It was then that Voldemort spoke, “blood traitor, you have defied me, and everything I stand for, you have dishonoured your parents, loyal servants of mine and my cause.” His voice was very loud and cold, she shook badly at the sound of it, any minute now.

“But you are a pure blood female,” he continued, “the murderous blood runs through your veins, and your lineage is not common anymore. I give you this one chance Alexis, join us now, or die.”

Alexis rose, slowly and painfully she got to her feet, she wasn’t able to stand upright completely but she stood. She looked him fiercely in the eyes, trembling and defeated she shouted, “I’d rather die! I’d rather die then ever join you!” and she stood her ground staring hatefully at the horror before her.

“Very well then” he said calmly, and he made to reach for his wand. Just then though Snape turned to him and spoke into his ear. Alexis couldn’t make out what was being said but Voldemort seemed to be listening intently. After about a minute he turned to Snape and Alexis barely heard the words spoken “just this once Severus” he said.

“Change of plans” his booming voice spoke, “it would seem my loyal servant Severus has a liking for you and would like to keep you alive a while longer for his own selfish purposes I’m sure.” Snape looked off into the distance, making no eye contact with her.

“Severus?” Voldemort said. Snape stood up then and pointing his wand at Alexis spoke the levitation incantation and she was lifted off her feet and above the ground. She floated towards him as he walked off towards a side door much like Shunpike had done. The door opened of its own accord and through it they went quickly moving through poorly lit hallways through door after door all of which opened with no command spoken. They moved swiftly down a dark corridor at the end of which there was an elevator, its doors open and beckoning, its light dim and gloomy. This they went into, the doors closing immediately behind them and suddenly Alexis floated no longer and fell to the ground, clutching at the walls to keep herself upright. When she managed to straighten herself up she glared at him. He stood on the opposite side of her, watching with an expression that was unreadable. She stared at him, malice burning bright in her sore red eyes. She spoke then,

“I never believed it when they told me about you, I told them there was a mistake, that you were not a follower of him. I supported you while no one else did!” she choked out the words.

“I refused to believe that you did to Dumbledore what they said you did, that you ended his life!” she spat out at him. “I denied it and swore that it was a lie.”

She took a step towards him then and suddenly reached out and seized his left arm by the wrist; he didn’t try and shake her off. She grabbed the sleeve of his cloak and forcefully pulled it up to his elbow exposing his naked forearm and the dark tattoo burned into his flesh. She stared at it for a moment her mind spinning and hurting unable to accept the truth. With her hand still clutching his arm she suddenly sunk her nails deep into his skin. He yanked his arm out of her grasp and clutched it. She glowered menacingly at him, challenging him. He stood where he was and looked into her eyes, he didn’t accept the challenge, and made no attempt to hurt her back.

“There is a lot I have to tell you,” he said then as the elevator came to a stop.


Last edited by Maxilocks; 04-17-2011 at 03:32 AM.
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