Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Well, she didn’t grow fangs and attack us which, I have to say, is the plus side. The down side is that she is eviler than all the hellhounds every born combined. She started badgering on about how lucky we were to have been found and taken in.
“Now you will, of course, have different classes than the other students but that is because of magical ability. As you know was creatures of near human intelligence you will be held responsible for your actions,” Umbridge smiled and I wanted to slap that sickly sweet smile off her ugly toad face.
“As creatures of near human intelligence!!!!!!” I screamed. Percy and I jumped out of our seats. “YOU’RE the idiot! You know SwEaRiNg about us!” my swearing at her began to attract every person on this train. “You don’t know who we are! You don’t know what we’ve been through! You haven’t got a clue about the HORRORS that we have seen!” I began swearing at her in rapid Greek and I knew I was the only one that understood what the hell I was saying.
“Listen here miss,” the toad-faced-vomit-inducing-aggravating-excuse-for-a-person said as calm as can be, “We have all had hard times….”
I stopped her right there, “You never had to watch your brothers and sisters die right next to you! You never had to declare your friend dead! You never had to have everyone around you tell you to give up on someone whom you owe everything to! You never had to watch someone take their own life for the greater good of humanity. You never had to know that you best friend was destined to be slaughtered and that there was NOTHING you could do about it,” I was on the verge of tears and Percy was a solemn figure next to me emphasizing the misery we had to live through. “Near human intelligence?” I asked to the crowd. “My mother is Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, and the gods are real,” I finished. I took out my knife and threw it onto the ground where it stuck, shimmering. Percy brandished Riptide and he threw his shield face down so that everyone could see the glimmering bronze.
“The legends are real?” a child from the crowd asked. Percy and I nodded. “Greek myths rarely have a happy ending,” the girl informed us.
“We’ve seen that,” Percy replied. Thanks so much for reading and please post a comment. i love hearing advise. |