*Professor Bannister looked toward the Headmaster in complete disbelief. Here it was--a medallion thought to only exist in fables passed down through generations The power it posessed was unimaginable, even by the most powerful witch or wizard. Of course, one would need to understand the markings to utilize it's powers. She continued to stare at it as if it was going to vanish if she attempted to blink. The tarnish had not hidden the beautiful runes which formed a circle around the entire medallion.*
"Oh, bugger. I can't see anything without these blasted glasses!" *She pulled out a pair of purple-rimmed glasses from one of the various hidden pockets which lined the inside of her robes and slid them onto her nose. The glass was thick, making her eyes appear several times larger than normal.* "From what I gather, the runes at the top roughly translate to 'keep in thy posession and let all harm pass thee over." |