Haunted Lollipop ☛ Powerpuff Girl Quote:
Originally Posted by Ama The Sports Section Editor seemed to be enjoying herself. Her elation was so much she seemed positively oblivious to the fact that Ian Hoshino was her boss and well, she seemed to be doing a whole lot of not-working in his presence. He too was in a rather good mood so he let it slide.
"I thought it was time our working environment received some kind of improvement," stated Ian plainly towards Daphne Jones, keeping an eye on Jane and Hunter's interactions. Hunter seemed to be under the impression that Ian enjoyed spending money needlessly. Brushing the tip of his nose with the back of his hand, Hoshino raised one brow. "You should be happy you had anything at all to eat. There are starving children in the world, Hunter Bones. They'd kill a wild gazelle for some mystery stew."
When Daphne announced her plans, Ian stepped aside, unbuttoning and buttoning his blazer habitually. "You should while you still can. I'm about to announce the new deadlines." Leisure time would soon end abruptly if Hoshino had any say over it. Daphne was about to get up when Ian spoke again. Ugh, deadlines, she thought to herself, terribly displeased with the work she'd have to do. But sooner or later she'd need to step up and actually work in this marvelous office. After all, her desk was almost devoid of papers, and that was unacceptable in a newspaper office.
She settled into her spot and started prepping for the next deadline. As always, she would dedicate most of her time for the next issue until it was released. Oh well, the mini holiday was fun while it lasted. |