Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight After the young man had restacked his books, Daniel bent slightly at the rest and ran his finger down all the spines, checking (and referring to a book list under the counter; he had one for each Hogwarts year) that they were correct and there were none missing or slipped in (though he trusted this kid). After a small 'mhmm' he glanced at his inventory list and then back at the Kid-Who-He-Was-Pretty-Sure-Could-Be-Trusted. "2 galleons, 4 sickles, altogether," he informed him, before going back to conversing mode. The man also pretended that this boy hadn't kind of slipped up; his having a book shop had nothing to do with making sure this boy didn't forget... BUT Daniel was not here to judge at ALL. It wasn't what he was there for; so the guy just abandoned that thought in his head. "Yeah... alot of people like these fancy books with glossy covers... I like getting a book which looks well-used. Helps with text books as well... some fold are nice enough to make notes in them," Daniel stated, smiling fondly. "Nothing dangerous, though. I personally go through every book to make sure."
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |