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Sarah stood with her hands clasped in front of her as she waited for the boy to register what she'd said. And then he did - nicely moving out the way, and apologising to boot. "Oh don't worry, and thank you." Sarah stretched forward, smiling at him, and eyeing the soap in his hands, before turning her attention to the bottles lined up on the shelf. Now where was this coconut one...
"Ahaha, there we go!" Spotting her quarry behind some peach smelling stuff, Sarah grabbed as many bottles as she could fit in her arms. Except they wouldn't all fit in her arms as she thought they would - and a couple went crashing to the floor, bouncing to a halt by the boys feet. "I'm so sorry," she stuttered, praying she hadn't damaged a complete stranger, or worse - cracked the bottles. She never had been much good at first impressions.
Retrieving them, she straightened herself out and smiled. He appeared like he was just about to say something - but the shopkeeper had interrupted. Oh my, what a lovely shade of pink he'd just turned. Biting on her lip, Sarah managed to keep her giggles in as he tossed the soap aside, and began stuttering himself. Boys were so funny when they were in girly shops.
"I like that soap actually," Sarah blurted out, nodding her head in the direction of the basket he'd thrown it in. "Sorry for butting in, but I just thought I'd say. I got some for my mother a couple of years ago, and she loved the sparkly sheen it leaves on your skin." Now it was her turn to go a bit red. She hadn't been asked, but told them anyway. They were going to think she was really rude now. Wonderful.
Originally Posted by
Dozer had waited outside for quite sometime waiting for Ethan, who had said he was just going to run in and grab something. After what seemed like a really long time, Dozer decided that his half brother had either gotten lost in the aisles of sparkles and lavendar concoctions, which could be quite dangerous if one didn't know how to navigate the traitorous seemingly innocent female products. Which were in fact incredibly volatile and deadly instruments of torture...
Ethan was just having a hard time picking something out. With a chuckle Dozer had entered the Shop of Girly Torture Devises and looked around for his brother. After strolling down some aisles he found him talking to what looked to be a shop keeper and an older girl. She was pretty to say the least, but it seemed all the girls who went to Hogwarts were pretty. Not that he was complaining mind you. The scene was still less dramatic then he had hoped.
So, he leaned against one of the shelves with his hands in his pockets and watched the scene with an amused expression on his face. Ethan's mom's birthday was coming up so he wouldn't leave without something for her. Dozer was grateful to her for being so nice but he had no idea was you got your... Well he still wasn't sure what to call her.
Ethan's eyes left the shopkeeper and travelled to the girl next to him as her armload of
overly sweet-smelling concoctions came crashing down at his feet. He watched her, somewhat amused, for a moment as she flusterdly retrieved the bottles, then he bent down to pick up the last one, relieved that his formerly embarassing situation had been lightened.
"No worries," the fifteen year old replied with a chuckle as he started to hand the girl her last shampoo.
"Or would you like me to carry a few for you?" he asked, noting her full arms -
really, was she hoping to shampoo all the heads of the entire team of the Kenmare Kestrals? She certainly had enough for that task, that much shampoo would last him his entire life! - and not wanting her to have any more accidents.
"Er... what?" Ethan glanced into the soap basket as she mentioned the soap he had just tossed in there. Just when he thought all had been forgotten, the girl mentions his former embarassment...
great. A flush threatened to rise in his cheeks at the memory, but he managed to stave off the telling pink tinge before it could color his face by taking a calming breath to keep his cool demeanor.
"Mums like this kind of thing, huh?" he asked, moving his eyes from the soap to the girl. Wait... was
she blushing now? What was that about? He watched her curiously for a moment until a movement near the corner of his eye caught his attention. Turning where he stood, Ethan soon came face-to-face with his half-brother. He must've gotten bored waiting for him, because he couldn't think of any other reason that he'd actually
choose to come in to such a place overrun with pink, glitter, and fruit-smells. He raised an inquisitive eyebrow to Dozer's expression. Was he making fun of him? Frowning a bit, he snatched up a few of the soaps that the girl commented on and said to him, hurriedly,
"I'm almost done." Why did he feel so self-concious here? He was usually much more confident than