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Old 08-07-2010, 08:34 PM   #22 (permalink)
Formerly: moonyroxs

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Baht-ley - The Sweetest - TEAM 947!


Melanie had a pimple.

She had a big, fat, pimply pimple right on her cheek! Right there! It dared to perch itself on HER cheek.

Melanie had never had a pimple before. It was gross, unflattering and, well, despite her efforts to avoid... Primpeernellos or Plimpysmellies or whatever the beauty shop was called... Melanie was here for help. Surely someone here would know how to get rid of the monstrosity!

With a hand over her cheek to protect innocent bystanders from the horrendous site of the demon pimple invading her face, Melanie inched toward the shopkeepers. She stood a few feet away from them, watching them and hoping one of the two would come over and help her with her dilemma soon.
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