Thread: Harry Potter: A New World - Sa13+
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Old 08-07-2010, 05:33 PM   #130 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Secret Snape
First Year
You can quote, disagree with, glorify or vilify me But about the only thing you can't do is ignore me

'Sarah? There's two letters for you!' called Lupin. Sarah took her headphones off and put her magazine down. She went downstairs into her god-fathers living room. Lupin held the letters out. Sarah took them and opened the first one. She read it, her eyes getting wider.

To Sarah,

I am getting married on the 13th August to Astoria Greengrass, and would be delighted if you came to the wedding. Astoria has sent you a letter as well. Please do come.

Draco Malfoy.
Sarah opened up the other one.

Dear Sarah,

From what I have heard from Draco Malfoy, you are apparently a great witch. Since I have only one sister, and no nieces, I would be honoured if you would be a bridesmaid. There is a wedding rehearsal on the 16th of July, and we will tell you the rest from there.

Astoria Greengrass.
Sarah looked at the calendar. 'That's tomorrow.' she said. She placed her letters on the table, and ran to get Binky, her owl, to send a reply. Lupin picked them up, and read them. He went to go call Sirius.

16th July:

Sarah arrived at the church. She dismounted her new broom, the brand-new Fire-Bolt 2010. Draco and Astoria were waiting outside the church, looking for everyone. Sarah was the first one there. 'Sarah! You made it!' said Astoria. 'Hello Astoria. Hi Draco.' said Sarah. Sarah shook hands with Astoria, and held her hand out for Draco. He took it, but instead of shaking, pulled her into a hug. 'Hey hey, Astoria's the one you're marrying!' said Sarah. 'Yeah, but you're my second cousin once-removed.' said Draco. 'Sorry about all that happened at the battle.' said Draco. 'Well, no use crying over spilt milk.' said Sarah. Draco let go and they moved apart. 'Who we waiting for?' asked Sarah. 'My Mum, my Dad, Astoria's older sister and Astoria's dad.' said Draco. 'That it?' asked Sarah. 'Not sure how your parents are gonna react when the see me.' she said sheepishly. She remembered Astoria's letter. 'Apparently, from what Astoria's heard, I'm a great Witch.' Sarah said. Draco turned red. 'I'm not complaining.' said Sarah, with a smile. Astoria's family arrived, and then Draco's. Lucius glared at Sarah. Sarah raised an eyebrow. 'Lucius.' hissed Narcissa. They went through the whole thing. 'Hey, Sarah, on the 23rd we're going shopping for dresses. See you then.' said Astoria. 'See you.' said Sarah, getting on her broom and flying off. She landed outside Lupin's home and went in. 'Hi Lupin.' called Sarah. 'Sarah, can you come in here for a moment?' called Lupin. 'What is it?' asked Sarah, coming into the living room.

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