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Old 08-07-2010, 04:32 PM   #757 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
Love Hunter Extraordinaire
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

Here's the new posty!

“Tonks, I’m glad you could make it,” Emily exclaimed as she hugged a mousy looking Tonks.

Tonks smiled lightly. “Well, I haven’t seen you in a while and wanted to see what’s up,” Tonks said.

“Well I’m glad because I’ve missed you!” Emily said.

“So, how’s the married couple?” Tonks asked as she sat down at the kitchen table.

“Sickening,” Fred said with disgust.

“Or extremely happy,” Emily chuckled as she hit the back of Fred’s head.

“Dinner’s almost ready,” George announced.

“He cooks?” Tonks asked indignantly.

Emily nodded with a grin. “Yes, and he’s pretty good too. I think he takes after Mrs. Weasley,” Emily said. Tonks nodded as she studied George. “I find it sexy,” Emily giggled as George kissed her cheek.

“Have you talked to Remus lately?” Tonks asked quietly.

“Unfortunately, not in a month or so, he rarely comes home,” Emily said with a frown.

“I’m sorry, I know you must miss him,” Tonks said quietly as she squeezed Emily’s hand.

“Looks like I’m not the only one,” Emily sighed as she squeezed Tonks’ fingertips. Tonks’ hair turned neon pink before turning back to green. She nodded slightly, her face strained. “I’m sure he’s fine,” Emily whispered.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure he is,” Tonks said as she tried to convince herself. Emily’s eyes darted down as she thought about the last time she saw him. She had no idea if he was hurt or even alive. Emily pulled her hands from Tonks’ grip and played with the rigidly cut ring on her finger.

“Will you excuse me for a moment? I’ll be right back,” Emily said quietly as she went through the back door, Disapparating. Emily arrived, seconds later, in the backyard of her childhood home. She immediately went to the old tree that she and Remus had spent so much time in. She climbed up into the thick branches and sat there, playing with her ring. She let a few tears escape as she thought of the Godfather she couldn’t imagine losing. She heard a pop and knew someone had followed her.

“May I join you?” Tonks asked quietly.

“Mmmhmm,” Emily responded, wiping the tears from her cheek.

Tonks climbed up into the tree and sat in the middle of the large branches. “I didn’t mean to bring this all up,” Tonks whispered.

“It’s okay. I’ve been worried about him too,” Emily whispered. “Have you heard anything about his whereabouts?”

“No,” Tonks said quietly as she put an arm around Emily’s shoulders.

“I miss him,” Emily said.

“Me too,” Tonks whispered.

“You really do love him, don’t you?” Emily asked. She glanced over at Tonks, who sighed loudly. Tonks nodded slowly without meeting Emily’s eyes.

“Whether he admits it or not, I know he loves you too,” Emily whispered as she grabbed the hand that was around her shoulder.

“I know,” Tonks sighed. She leaned her head so it touched the side of Emily’s head. “He loves you, kid, as if you were his daughter. I know he’s thinking of you wherever he is,” Tonks said softly.

“I wish he’d come home,” Emily whispered.

“Me too,” Tonks said. “George is worried about you, by the way,” Tonks said.

“If he weren’t here, I’d completely lose it,” Emily sighed.

“It must be nice to be able to share that much love,” Tonks whispered.

“You and Remus will share it one day, Tonks, trust me,” Emily said.

“How do you figure?” Tonks asked.

“Remus may be stubborn, but I know him—he’ll come round eventually. He’ll realize he’s acting dumb,” Emily said.

“I hope so,” Tonks sighed. After a few moments’ silence, Emily sniffled. “Don’t worry, he’ll come home.”

“He better, he promised me he’d never leave me—that he’ll always be there for me,” Emily said quietly.

“He will never break that promise, Emily, even if he were to never come back,” Tonks whispered.

“That makes no sense, Tonks. If he doesn’t come back, then he’ll break his promise,” Emily said in confusion.

“Emily, he’ll always be with you…in your heart,” Tonks whispered as she choked back a sob.

“No, he’s not leaving. He meant physically when he made me that promise, I know it,” Emily said stubbornly.

Tonks sighed quietly. “Why don’t we go eat?” Tonks asked, changing the subject.

Emily agreed, though still quite frustrated. They both Apparated back to the house. Emily walked into George’s open arms and held onto him tightly.

“I know he’ll come back, Ems,” George whispered into her hair. Emily nodded into his chest. Tonks quietly sat down at the table by Fred. All of the food was already laid out. George kissed her hair and led her to her seat.

“Let’s eat,” Emily said quietly. Everyone dug into the food and ate in silence. The boys could sense the tension from the ladies, and Tonks didn’t want to say anything to upset Emily further. Emily was just being too stubborn to see the truth.

Everyone retired to the living room after they finished eating. Tonks told them about what happened to Harry on the train, and Emily couldn’t help but be furious with her ex-boyfriend. George and Fred expressed their thoughts on the subject, and for once, Emily didn’t scold them or tell them to be nice. She agreed and added her own to the mix. Tonks went back to her duty in Hogsmeade and Fred went to bed earlier than usual. Emily and George went to their bedroom.

They got ready for bed, taking off their shoes and brushing their teeth. Emily pulled her hair up in a ponytail before changing into her pajamas. It was actually a pair of shorts with one of Remus’ T-shirts. She had been wearing them lately because she missed him so much. George took off his pants and shirt and crawled into the bed with just his boxers on. Emily smiled mildly as she slipped in under the covers and curled up into his side.

“So,” George whispered as he waved his wand to make the lights turn off.

“So—?” Emily asked.

“It’s later,” he whispered.

“Thank you, Captain Obvious,” she chuckled.

“And thank you, Sergeant Sarcastic,” George chuckled. Emily giggled as he kissed the top of her head.

Emily leaned back to look at him, propping up on her elbow. He grinned as he bent forward and pecked her cheek. Emily smiled widely at his facial expression. “Hmmm, I can’t really think of anything I want to do tonight, and I’m a bit tired, so maybe we should just go to bed,” Emily sighed as she turned over and pretended to go to sleep.

A deep frown appeared on George’s face. “I have a few suggestions,” George whispered as he wrapped his arm around her waist, spooning her.

“Mmmm, tell me about them tomorrow,” Emily sighed, trying hard not to laugh.

“But—oh fine, goodnight, Ems. I love you,” he sighed in frustration as he tried to get comfortable on the bed. Emily started laughing as she turned over in his arms.

“You think that was funny, do you?” George asked, a smile playing around his lips. “We’ll see who gets the last laugh.”

George closed his eyes tightly and turned flat on his back. Emily giggled and started kissing his neck. He still wouldn’t open his eyes. She made her way up his neck and to his ear. She nibbled it gently. George let out a small sigh but still wouldn’t open his eyes. She smiled slightly and then started kissing his cheek and his nose, anything but his lips. Emily’s fingertips gently brushed his lips and they parted at her touch.

“So, are you laughing or am I?” she asked as she kissed his neck.

“I guess you are,” he gave in. George’s eyes fluttered open as he turned her over so that his body was towering over hers. Emily laughed as he started kissing her neck, making his way to her lips.

*Alrighty, let me know whatchya think
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