ooc: Sorry it's long, got caught up in the exam...
"Ten, then the fifteen" I said smiling at her, I looked around to see that most of the students where still studying even before they went in. Some people looked rather pale, while others where banking off their friends for answers.
A small, but elderly, wizard stepped out with his glasses on the tip of his nose and a scroll in his hand. Mc Gonagall was standing next to him and raised her hands to get silence from us.
"Ordinary Wizard Level examination for practical potions will now begin" Said the wizard, some people jump slightly. "Right, could the following come forwards. Acott, David. Bath, Sarah. Black, Birgit. Cooter, Jack. Crabbe, Mitchell. Daneils, Amanda. Ellens, Lara. Figg, Sean. Goyle, Harriet. Granger, William." I smiled to B as she closed her book.
"Good luck" Kira smiled, Stevie nodded. I grabbed Birgit's wrist and pushed ourselves to the start of the line. We stepped in to see the tables had vanished and potion desk where set up around the hall.
- - - -
Birgit and I choose to go near each other so we could see how the other was going, I had a witch with a long nose and frizzy black hair.
"Hello" She smiled "Name?"
"William Granger, Gryffindor" I replied.
"Right" She said, writing it down "Now, could you please start off by showing me the correct way of starting a potion?"
"Certaintly" I said "Firstly you ensure the couldren is securly fastened to the overhang to keep it sturdy, check that the fire is at the correct temperiture" I tapped my wand on it "And then be sure to have all needed ingredients".
"Excellent" She said, ticking some boxes. "Now, I need you to create a cure to uncommon posions potion, can you do that?"
"Sure" I grinned, picking up the ingredients. I began to add the Gillywater, mixed in with the grass clippings, stirred it three times clockwise, threw in a collection of willow bark, left to boil for two minutes while I chopped the wolf's fur, added that and stirred anti clockwise four times, before adding the Algie on top. I dipped in my vile and placed it on the table.
"Very good, very good" She said, ticking futher boxes "I am very impressed". I smiled proudly. "Right, now you can leave via the north door" She said, pointing up to the teacher's desk "You are to return to your common room and not speak to any one who hasn't done the exam, understand?" I nodded, as I went to leave I turned quickly to see how B was handling it.