Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle I have a question
I've seen in the past a person becomes really active, all of a sudden, for one term and then wham all of a sudden they are staffed or become prefect or ect... or what have you.
And I understand what you are saying they had the skills that you are looking for, or all the points, but it just seems like a gross oversight to the people that have been active for more than one term with the same skill set. To get overlooked.
I understand excellence knows no age, gender....all that good stuff, but it seems fairer to promote someone with a
proven track record. And not someone with a quick flash of brilliance.
And disrespect intended here, its something that I've been mulling over and thought it best to go straight to the source
I can assure you that if someone who has only been active for a few terms is hired, it isn't because people with the same skill set are being overlooked. That person would have had to go above and beyond what was expected of a newer RPer (or a returning RPer), enough that they made an impression on multiple staff members and earned nominations from them, and enough that they were able to demonstrate the required qualities and leadership skills thoroughly.
I think the big key is that time on the site does not equal a qualification in being hired. Some people will be members on SS for years, will have fun and make friends, and will enjoy the RPG... but they may never be hired to be on staff. I don't want to pin that 'never' on anyone, because people grow and change and develop over time on SS, but I do want to emphasize that length of time in the RP will never be an indication of staffing, although it has its own perks.
That being said, I don't know anyone who's been hired after just one term, and certainly not recently. Two terms is sometimes sufficient for "proven track record" when that person demonstrates qualities we require in the RP.