"I always thought, when I was a kid, that Fred and George would never find suitable work anywhere... they were too... spontaneous, and like you said, never knew when to stay put," Ron said. "But, I think they're really good for the order... someone just needs to teach them how to slow down." Hermione smiled, knowing that Fred would fall asleep, and she wouldn't be waking him up. She turned her head and watched him... his eyes were closed and he looked so innocent. He was typically an innocent person, but many people refused to see that because of all of the "mischief" he and his brother got into. Hermione used to think so, too... but she realized what Fred and George did was all in good spirits...
They had been laying in silence for a few moments when Hermione realized Fred's breathing become deep and rhythmic. He had fallen asleep.... She knew she should go now, so she got up and stood by the edge of the bed, watching Fred contemplatively. She turned around to leave, but, quickly turned around and kissed Fred on the cheek, then leaving the room and shutting the door quietly behind her.
__________________  **Graphics made by Loki** |