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Old 08-02-2010, 07:57 PM   #218 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Janet Lynn Gordon
Fifth Year
Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

Originally Posted by MissWeasley View Post
Wllow went limp within Janet's restricting arms, as she listened to her best friend talk. "Mine?" Willow mumbled. "All mine? I get to keep him?" Large tears began to gather in her big, blue eyes. The gift was just too much. Janet's family had always treated her like a second daughter, but this was just too much. Quickly, Willow pulled herself together and gave Janet a big hug. "Thanks, Janet! I'll take extra good care of him; I promise, but I think I'll keep him at the ranch. My parents are just too busy to care for a horse during the school year, and I don't want him to be lonely.

Willow knew enough about horses and breeding to blush as she listened to Janet talk about Brutus. Lance named him Ball o' Fire?" Willow gasped, as she turned a deep shade of red. "You mean... you don't mean... that is to say... he only had one?" Willow didn't care how many Brutus had had at birth, all that mattered was that he was healthy right now, and Willow's very own.

"He's got a star on his forhead you say... and not a blaze?" Willow asked, wanting to know everything aboit her new horse. "I'm so glad, because I'm not that into the blaze, but then, any horse of mine would have to be a star, right?" Willow giggled amd grinned with delight, as she twirled happily. "So, how tall is he?" Willow asked. "Seventeen hands?"

Willow looked at her friend and instantly stopped talking. Something else was going on here... Janet had that certain glint in her eye and Willow was always cautious when she saw it. "Ah, Janet?" Willow asked. "What else do you have up your sleeve? Why do you keep talking about your brother? Lance... right?" Willow waited on pins and needles.
Janet grinned from ear to ear and just as suddenly as before had the wind knocked out of her from the heart felt hug from her best friend. She wished she'd take notice of the look on her face so she could be forwarned of these sudden, but wonderful hugs. She's so quick! Like Lightning! We should call her horse, Thunder and her, Lightning. She laughed at her inside joke. Willow was all emotional about getting to keep her horse, and it was causeing Janet's own eyes to well up. Janet was glad she wanted to keep the horse on the ranch. Janet took note of Willow's red face. She laughed and new she understood the clue Janet gave her. "Yeah, he's perfectly fine, and yes, he was born that way. It happens, now and then." She said with the shrug of her shoulders. The star? Willow was saying the exact same thing Janet was thinking. She needed a star instead of the blaze, it fit her better. "You're very good! Yes, he's 17 Hands." Janet caught a glimpse of curiosity in Willow's eye's as she suddenly looked into her own eye's. She turned to face the tracks as they were going through the countryside. Uh-oh, she knows I'm cooking something up... "Shoot!" Janet smiled as she thought again of her daydream about Willow and Lance at he Alter kissingat their wedding. "I can't tell her that!" Janet thought as she heard Willow ask what she had up her sleeve. "I'll just come up with something plausable that I know she'll believe. And, it will be the truth, cause it's what I'm thinking of now. Janet thought hopefully. Janet looked at Willow in the eye's and said with an innocent smile. "It's not that I'm trying to talk about him. You asked what his name was, cause you forgot it. And, I needed to tell you the horse was being trained for you, and it just happens that I asked Lance to train him, so it would be taken care of specially, cause he knows you're my best friend and he would make sure everything was done proper. But, while we're on the subject of Lance, He wants to run your horse against his to clock his speed. So, you can either race me on his horse, or race him on his horse. What ever you want. You can be thinking of it. The race won't be on the track, but the open range. I'll take you around it after we get settled in. It's beautiful country." Janet saw the gleem in Willow's eye's and was sure she was hooked by the challange.
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