Name: Hecate Scarlett Lafay
(pronounced Heck-ah-tee)
DOB: February 29, 2032
Age: 39, but she''ll tell you 9 (Next year she'll be 10 years old)
Dates Attended Hogwarts: 2043-2050
Marital Status: Widowed 3 times
Former Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Blood: Pureblood
Best Subjects: Potions and Charms
Least Favorite/Worst Subjects: Muggle Studies
Pets: A black cat names Mephisto
Previous Occupation: Potioneer
Current post: Potions Mistress/Professor of Potions and Slytherin Head of House.
Hecate is not the nicest person in the world. She does not like failure and loathes stupidity.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin: Fair
Height: 5'6
Hecate was born on leap day in a poor pureblood family. Her family can date their lineage back to Gunhilda of Gorsemoor, but as generations went by the fortune that came with being a pureblood was no longer associated with them. She was the third child of nine children, an eldest brother, then one older sister, herself, two younger sisters and four bothers after that.
Both her father and mother neglected her, so Hecate grew up knowing she couldn't depend on anyone but herself... she vowed to succeed in everything she did. In school she was top of her class, prefect and head girl. Before she began Wizarding University, at the Edinburgh, Scotland campus, she cut all connection with her family. At university she had the highest grades and she was named most likely to succeed.
She went to work for a Scottish potioneer named Gavin Grey, as an apprentice. He was 20 years her senior but the two worked long hours late together and soon fell in love. They had a winter wedding. All their friends were of the same mind. They were the perfect couple. Unfortunately their marriage ended after two and a half years of marriage when Gavin's died in an exploding cauldron incident. The potioneer lab was left to Hecate.
A few months later Hecate was given a near to impossible request for a potion to cure a man by the name of Terrance Tralkey who was dying of a rare malady. Hecate worked hard day and night for months and was able to finally brew a successful potion to save the man's life. Terrance Tralkey and Hecate spent so much time together that they fell in love, and even though he proposed many times, she didn't accept for a year or so. Unfortunatly, Terrance developed a side effect to her cure and while Hecate continued to work to reverse the side effect, he died suddenly, leaving her an undisclosed fortune.
This is when the press had a field day. Hecate was successful in creating the potion to reverse the side effect, a year too late. She needed to get away from the press so she quit her job, and left the lab in Scotland to travel to Sydney Australia where she stayed for nearly two years..
On her plane ride back to Scotland, because Australia was too bright, too hot and too filled with arachnids, Hecate sat next to a man who began chatting her up. Libatius Lavery, an auror with the ministry of magic, had just been released from a muggle prison where he'd been wrongfully imprisoned, and was returning to London. By the time they landed, Libatius proposed to Hecate. She told him never to speak to her again. Libatius didn't give up, with his resources found out where she lived and send roses upon roses every day, with love notes and candy. After a few years of wooing she allowed him into her heart and soon after they married. Hecate continued to make all sorts of potions, while Libatius worked for the ministry... but one cold November day Hecate was visited by his superiors and informed her husband had been killed in the line of duty by a female death eater that they could not identify.
This is when the press dubbed her The Black Widow, ironic because of her (and her typists) fear of arachnids. Hecate closed herself in her lab and dove head first into her work. She has made progress in many potions fields, not only limiting herself to healing, but also cosmetic and gastronomical. Finally, because her money had run out (potion ingredients aren't cheap,) Hecate applied to Hogwarts for the Potions job, which she currently holds.
Hecate, in the attempt to test a burning unction, set three students ablaze, without causing
physical pain. Three prefects attempted to stop her, but she placed them in detention. The Headmaster would not support her decision so she quit. Suddenly and without warning, parents of students complained to the Governors of the school. They, in turn, told the Head Master that Hecate was asked to return, not only as Potion's Mistress but as Slytherin Head of House as well.
Timeline for my records:
Feb 29 2032 - Born
Feb 2033 - Age 1
Feb 2034 - Age 2
Feb 2035 - Age 3
Feb 2036 - Age 4 (Age 1)
Feb 2037 - Age 5
Feb 2038 - Age 6
Feb 2039 - Age 7
Feb 2040 - Age 8 (Age 2)
Feb 2041 - Age 9
Feb 2042 - Age 10
Feb 2043 - Age 11
Sept 2043 - Starts First Year at Hogwarts
Feb 2044 - Age 12 (Age 3)
June 2044 - Ends First Year at Hogwarts
Sept 2044 - Starts Second Year at Hogwarts
Feb 2045 - Age 13
June 2045 - Ends Second Year at Hogwarts
Sept 2045 - Starts Third Year at Hogwarts
Feb 2046 - Age 14
June 2046 - Ends Third Year at Hogwarts
Sept 2046 - Starts Fourth Year at Hogwarts
Feb 2047 - Age 15
Sept 2047 - Starts Fifth Year at Hogwarts
Feb 2048 - Age 16 (Age 4)
June 2048 - Ends Fifth Year at Hogwarts
Sept 2048 - Starts Sixth Year at Hogwarts
Feb 2049 - Age 17
June 2049 - Ends Sixth Year at Hogwarts
Sept 2049 - Starts Seventh Year at Hogwarts
Feb 2050 - Age 18
June 2050 - Graduated Hogwarts
Sept 2050 - Starts Wizarding University/Edinburgh, Scotland campus
Feb 2051 - Age 19
June 2051 - Ends Yr 1 of Wizarding University
Sept 2051 - Starts Yr 2 Wizarding University
Feb 2052 - Age 20 (Age 5)
June 2052 - Ends Yr 2 of Wizarding University
Sept 2052 - Starts Yr 3 Wizarding University
Feb 2053 - Age 21
June 2053 - Graduated Wizarding University
July 2053 - Meets - Gavin Grey
Dec 2053 - Marries Gavin Grey
Feb 2054 - Age 22
Feb 2055 - Age 23
Feb 2056 - Age 24 (Age 6)
May 2056 - Gavin Grey Dies
Oct 2056 - Meets Terrance Tralkey
Feb 2057 - Age 25
Nov 2057 - Created the Absethem Potion
Feb 2058 - Age 26
Mar 2058 - Marries Terrance Tralkey
Feb 2059 - Age 27
Aug 2059 - Terrance Tralkey Dies
Feb 2060 - Age 28 (Age 7)
Aug 2060 - Created the potion to combat the side effects of the Absethem Potion
Sept 2060 - Left for Sydney, Australia
Feb 2061 - Age 29
Jan 2062 - Leaves to return to Scotland
Jan 2062 - Meets Libatius Lavery
Feb 2062 - Age 30
Feb 2063 - Age 31
Feb 2064 - Age 32 (Age 8)
Apr 2064 - Marries Libatius Lavery
Feb 2065 - Age 33
Feb 2066 - Age 34
Feb 2067 - Age 35
Nov 2067 - Libatius Lavery dies
Feb 2068 - Age 36 (Age 9)
Feb 2069 - Age 37
Feb 2070 - Age 38
Feb 2071 - Age 39
Sept 2071 - Starts teaching at Hogwarts
Oct 2071 - Sets three students on fire for learning purposes
Nov 2071 - Quits Hogwarts
Feb 2072 - Returns to Hogwarts as Slytherin Head of House
Feb 2072 - Age 40 (Age 10)
Sept 2072 - Second year teaching at Hogwarts