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Old 07-28-2010, 06:15 PM   #18 (permalink)
formerly: DanialRadFAN01

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kiera Burton

Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher

Originally Posted by unicornkeeper07 View Post

Before Andrew took a seat he took a closer look at the desk and pressed his ear against it's surface and then tapped it. "Is this weal wood? Ya can never tell these days wif these muggles comin' up wif laminates and blake stuff." He didn't really care for an answer, but it would satisfy his curiousity. He watched as he addressed the other lady and then took a seat himself. He crossed his legs in the chair like a child and folded his hands in front of him.

Andrew listened attentively as he was told his job. "Oh that's bloody fantastic, I dove floo! It's loike sparkly powder that does stuff. I 'ave been experimentin' wif the stuff. I mean the portable ones 're nifty, but wot I 'ave will bla your Chinese Blind!" He had so many things to do and hopefully would be in charge of a lot of people that would make things happen. Andrew was grinning ear to ear and couldn't help but give a little clap of excitement.
Armen was really intrigued by this man. He was strange, a bit ecentric but he liked him well enough so far. He couldn't help but give him a puzzled look as he watched as Andrew pressed his head against his desk for a good 5 seconds. "Umm I think its real wood, either way it seems to work well as a desk, wouldn't you say?" he chuckled as he humored him. The two new employees he had in here were certainly a pair. One had a strange personality that was also fun and the other had the clothes to match it; although his personality was likeable too.

Listening to Andrew's little speach it was apparent that he was excited to start work...and did he just say I was Chinese? Oh well' Armen then shook his head a little to clear his mind and then spoke. "Well Andrew I'm glad you are excited and ready to get to work, you will be a valuable member to the team I can tell." he grinned.
Originally Posted by Alexa Black View Post
Nathan smiled brightly. "Thank-you sir. It's a pleasure to be here, too." He noddd and his eyebrows raised at the next question."Well.. I might be. I don't know what you're old position was.." That'd be like psychic and Nate was just an ordinary lad.

Employee's? Oooh! He couldn't wait to meet them! "No.. I worked in PortKeys at the Ministry in Wales for a about 4 years and I was Deputy Head of the Transportation division." Higher up.. but what could you do?

"You were recently promoted then?" Callingham asked curiosuly.
Oh another previous foreign Ministry employee, that was always good, got ideas spread. "That's nice, did you like Wales?" he was just curious about other places, he had been there before, it wasn't really all that far from here. But at least the guy had some experience and even a spot of responsibility before, that was always a plus. "Ok well then you will certainly feel at home here on Level Six as the Portkey Division Head, which coincidentally was my old position." the Department Head nodded.

"But yes I was promoted to this position once my predessor stepped down, so we had to hire you and then a few others to replace the changes in Divison Heads we have had recently." he said gesturing with a smile towards Andrew.


After talking to each man he looked at his watch and noticed that the work day was pretty much over. There had been a lot of welcoming and getting to know each other on Level Six, which was fantastic, but the work would have to start tomorrow.

The Department Head stood from his desk and shook each man's hand, and told them how much he looked forward to starting with them tomorrow. He then grabbed his coat off of the coat stand and held the door open for them, shutting the door after himself.

OCC: Level-wide plot will be starting like today!

Last edited by PadfootAndTheWolf; 08-01-2010 at 09:38 PM. Reason: Plot is starting now!!! *ending this rp* ;) Rp with you all soon in my office again!
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