Originally Posted by
Helena looked at Gina and grinned as she laughed. The way this woman's mind worked was very interesting. In a fun way. Oooh, she's going to be such a brilliant boss!
Right. Now, third question.
OOOH! Helena knew it. She looked around at the other people, to see if any of them were going to be answering any time soon. She didn't want to talk ALL of the oportunities.
Ah. Never mind them. Helena KNEW it was the elephant who wasn't there. "The elephant wasn't there. He's still in the fridge."
"Perfect!" She said laughing.
Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley
"Well, thanks for not thinking my answer had not been stupid" J.J. Starr told Gina. " This is fun even though I get confused" Joe Jon Montcenaggio said to Gina. "So I see we have another riddle that I can't answer" J.J. laughed.
"Sure you can..." she said to him.
Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley
"Well you should be proud of those answers" J.J. Starr told Helena. "Well, I respect anyone that decides to get married, have a family, be a stay at home housewife and then goes to work when the children are out of the house" Joe Jon montcenaggio explained to Helena. " Hopefully my wife Katalin will come back to the Ministry after our childen are grown up" J.J said to Helana. " Who knows, I might become a house husband?" he said aloud to no one in particular.
"My husband is a house husband and he bakes me all my treats." She said with a smile.
Originally Posted by
She heard a woman talked to her. Ahh. This must be my boss. She couldn't help but thinking. She seemed nice. I mean, when she walked in her co-workers were playing a game. That was definitely a plus. "Stella Matthews, Ma'am." She hoped 'ma'am' was all right. She realized she was probably being wayyy too up tight. She rolled her shoulders in an attempt to loosen up. "A lot of people call me Matty, though." She never really liked her name, it made her feel too... formal.
Stella smiled politely as she took her seat. She looked around the room quickly and felt a slight jolt of... not panic... but, a slight uncomfortable air. She felt young. Most people in the room looked older than her, if only by a few years. Only one man looked around her age, maybe slightly younger. He had been screaming about Slytherin. It didn't make her think any less of him, she wasn't the type to judge. She tried to put on a bold face. She gratefully took the cookie and ate it slowly. Such. Good. Cookies.
She had no idea why she was so nervous. She'd graduated from Hogwarts as a top student, she'd traveled and really established herself as witch. She realized with a start she was probably supposed to take PART in the game. Right. This whole nervous thing wasn't her cup of tea.
"Okay, well. Two truths and a lie? Hmm.." She thought for a moment before continuing, "I speak French, not quite fluently, but well. When I was younger I used to do magic tricks for muggle kids around my neighborhood to make some money. Once, when I was mad at my brother, I turned his hair pink and no one could fix it for three months."
The second one was a lie. She did magic tricks, but never for muggles around the neighborhood and she never made money. She DID, however, do a few magic tricks while she was traveling... and that was for money.
"I think your second was a lie. You wouldn't have breached the secrecy act." She said nodding.
"Alright. Last question." She said and looked at everyone, "There is a river you must cross. But it is inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage it?" She said looking around the conference room.